The Only Way To REALLY Heal Is This

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author, and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom, and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain.

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The heart hardens every time people abuse that vulnerability. It becomes more work than it's worth to access someone's heart at that point. We can't expect people to jump through endless hoops just to access us because we haven't healed from our hurt. Do the inner work first.


“Practice bringing that to each other“ this is the 🔑


So my best friend and I have decided that you are one of our soul sisters. Keep going!! Build it and they will come.


So true and sometimes the other can meet you and at times they can’t. We deserve to be happy. 💗🙏


Absolutely. You have been speaking on what I know to be true and it had completely changed my life.


In a relationship this is so importent if you don, t know about a persons past how can you go into the future you get endless situations where misjudge and react in the wrong way the chance you meet someone who is balanced honest trustworthy and never makes a mistake is slim


This was truly inspiring & expanding to listen to 💗 Thank you!


Most don't want to be vulnerable. Even me I struggle wit that and put up road blocks when I should keep trying but my defense mechanicism is severely triggered but I'm still trying to learn to decern and test the spirits to in any relationship and I'm not talking in a religious term when I say that. I'm just more educated in that area now and still healing at the same time. Stay blessed and thanks for always sharing your gifts and knowledge


@TealSwanOfficial -- You rock. Bless you, and thank you.


*How* he chooses to express that vulerability makes a world of difference.

Vulnerability can be expressed in a safe, healthy, respectful way. Both parties need to be safe people and relatively healthy in order to deeply connect in the way she's describing. Body language and tone make a MASSIVE difference here.

If you use vulnerability as a manipulation tactic to get what you want when you want it even if it prevents her from meeting her needs including feeling safe, you're not acting safely. When a man expresses his vulnerability without placing expectations on the woman, the woman is much less likely to react negatively. When a man chooses an appropriate time to directly express his vulnerability and invites his woman to do the same, it can become a bonding process rather than a separating mechanism.

For example, My SO is an excellent communicator. He never springs things on me out of the blue or when I express a need, like previous partners did. He chooses a time when we've already eaten so that we're more grounded. He would never expect me to drop my own need to cater to his. We both see each other's needs as equally important. When he expresses vulnerabilities, he is socially engaged with me, he directly explains how his traumas have effected him, how they still effect him, what he's working on, and what his resulting needs are. He takes accountability to heal. He still sees me as his girlfriend and doesn't try to push me into a motherly role.

This helps us be a strong team where there's room for both of us to meet our needs. There's room for both his vulnerability and mine. This allows us to help each other meet our needs together in harmony.


Thank you, I needed to hear this today


Teal is one of these people that I could sit down, and talk to for days on end.


The sh* is hard to do bc you know it's an ego game (one-upmanship) for most folks bc of how we have been programmed. You got to be prepared to not take it personally if that relative, friend, boss, parent cannot rise up to that level. It's been happening to me and i know the other person(s) understand perfectly well what im saying but they just cant do it. However, in the end, regardless of outcome, i just treat it as me practicing a new model of relating--the potential of US--that will eventually become the norm.❤


I am just in awe and amazed that she “knows” how relationships have been “forever”. An immortal amongst mortals definitely needs to be listened to and watched.


Sending very good vibes energy light and yes I’m using my hands


This! I had this with someone. Then I failed to see it and lost it.


Anytime I’ve seen a man do what she’s talking about and revealing that part of himself it gets thrown back in his face as soon as a woman gets into a fight with him. And then after showing his vulnerabilities, she attacks him with it which ends up making him resent and hate her. Yeah, I’m not sure that advice is good.


What a mind! What stunning beauty, the beauty of a starlet.


I agree and have nothing to add for once, yay


It’s called being real. Vulnerability isn’t a weakness in safe hands
