Taylor Calmax Kitchen Scale ad

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So this is the final for my Studio Production class. We had a company come in that makes kitchen and bath weight scales and they gave us a few products to make some advertisements for.
My group got the Taylor Calmax Kitchen Scale. You weigh your food and it determines the amount of calories within the food based on the weight. It's somewhat of a commercial/short infomercial.
Here's the product page:
My group wanted to do this project all digitally. I am a film major and don't know how to do CG at all but we had a visual effects major in our group who was able to do the CG for all the shots. I filmed the actual product and had the guys in the group recreate those shots digitally. I feel somewhat strange saying I directed this when the other guys did the effects work, but I did direct this. The guys all took my directions and ran with them for all of the shots. They also took my criticism well and incorporated my ideas into the shots they created. This project felt more like a collaboration between artists rather than MY project that other people chipped in to help me with which is how I would prefer to work. It certainly helps when everyone else working with you is just as passionate to produce a great product.
I also rewrote the script for the project and the company added several things back in but they did allow me to use some of my changes which I feel turned out for the better.
I feel that this project is very professional and turned out EXTREMELY well and hopefully will help me to land a job soon. :)
My group got the Taylor Calmax Kitchen Scale. You weigh your food and it determines the amount of calories within the food based on the weight. It's somewhat of a commercial/short infomercial.
Here's the product page:
My group wanted to do this project all digitally. I am a film major and don't know how to do CG at all but we had a visual effects major in our group who was able to do the CG for all the shots. I filmed the actual product and had the guys in the group recreate those shots digitally. I feel somewhat strange saying I directed this when the other guys did the effects work, but I did direct this. The guys all took my directions and ran with them for all of the shots. They also took my criticism well and incorporated my ideas into the shots they created. This project felt more like a collaboration between artists rather than MY project that other people chipped in to help me with which is how I would prefer to work. It certainly helps when everyone else working with you is just as passionate to produce a great product.
I also rewrote the script for the project and the company added several things back in but they did allow me to use some of my changes which I feel turned out for the better.
I feel that this project is very professional and turned out EXTREMELY well and hopefully will help me to land a job soon. :)