JBS John Birch Society Opposition to COS Convention Of States

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Video by Donald MacLeay.
This was a presentation to the NJ Tea Party Coalition in January of 2016 by John F. McManus.
1. Since the speech, the Congressman that Mr. McManus mentioned, Scott Garrett, was driven from office in a slanderous election. The better man lost. This year again, the better man Steve Lonegan, was slandered in the Congressional primary by a deceitful opponent, and lost his chance to serve the country. Multiple conservative candidates have complained of having no support from the Republicans or the JBS.
2. The word "Convention" is indeed mentioned in Article V. And it is capitalized to note its unique role.
3. The 1787 Constitution was ratified unanimously by the States, fulfilling the requirement of the Articles Of Confederation for amendments.
4. The Ten Commandments are currently being removed from state buildings. I guess that qualifies as being 'changed'.
5. The John Birch Society has failed to get few or none 'virtuous' candidates elected.
6. The John Birch Society has not had any representatives removed from office. Their current reason for existing appears to be as a foil for the Convention Of States.
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very good video. long but very informative.


Holy moley.

I'm a John Bircher and I didn't know it.


COS stands for "Convention of States, " not a "Constitutional Convention." Two entirely different things!


Only COS doesn't "call for a complete overhaul". This guy said a lot of good things but it's this key point that he's deceiving people about. It's a limited (to proposing Amendments, not starting from scratch) Convention of the States as outlined in Article 5. A Con-Con the way he's talking would be if we were starting from scratch to form a new government. That isn't what Convention of States is.

The JBS's folly is saying that because many politicians aren't abiding by much of the Constitution now that they won't abide by any new Amendments. Ok, so we just shouldn't even try to place further structural restrictions on the federal government & those that are elected? Looks like Presidents have been abiding by the 2 term thing since it was passed. I believe it's either cowardice or deep swampiness where they talk a good game most of the time but deep down want things to continue as they are so they can continue fundraising and so forth & are just resigned to holding on to how things are for as long as they can without hiccups. Oh yeah, and only 13 states could axe any possible bad Amendment passed out of a Convention. Getting 38 states to agree on anything nowadays is a Herculean achievement


Con-Con = Constitutional Convention. Thanks.


Kept watching- this guy is such a deceiver. Notice how he doesn't quote the exact words from Article 5. Read it yourself & it clearly states that "The Congress, whenever 2/3 of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of 2/3 of the several States, shall a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all Intents & Purposes, as Part of THIS Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of 3/4 of the several states, or by Conventions in 3/4 thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the

He writes Article 5 states that a Constitutional Convention MAY be created (?) by Congress to propose amendments. Changes the whole meaning from what's written, which is "SHALL call a Convention for proposing Amendments", not MAY as if they don't have to once 2/3 of the states call for one. The only thing about MAY that's said is "one or the other Mode of Ratification MAY be proposed by the Congress". So either one will have to be proposed but they have a choice. Total deceiver! Either that or he's too dumb to read

Nobody that I know in the Convention of States process thinks the Supreme Court would stop a 'runaway convention' or that they have anything to do with it. If 38 states must ratify any passed Amendment, it's impossible to have a runaway Convention.

The fake concern about their questions is really annoying. Well ya know what? We're educated people. We (in the states) will figure it out. Get over your fears & get your heads out of your asses. You JBS people sound like Hilary Clinton, trying to sound like Article 5 is a kind of foggy thing where it's just too risky to try.

And George Soros isn't for a Convention of States. There's a lot of bullsh!t on this guy's lists for who's for or against. So he knows what Madison & Jefferson would think about using Article 5 at this point in time? He conveniently leaves out that the late Justice Scalia is for an Article 5 Convention of States. I'll take Mark Levin & El Rushbo over his academia friends any day. This JBS is just a little cult
