Top 10 ESSENTIAL Tech Every No Man's Sky Traveler Needs

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No Man's Sky's years of updates have overloaded the game with installable tech ranging from useless to essential. So allow me to share my top 10 MUST-HAVE pieces of tech that I never go without. This is the best technology to improve exploration, make you more efficient, and help you focus on the most enjoyable parts of the game. You can land on water, increase your inventory space, and even skip pirate encounters! These are my top tech tips for players new and old! All tech current as of the 2024 NMS WORLDS Part 1 update.

#NoMansSky #NMS #Kanaju

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:17 - #10 Launch Auto-Charger
00:03:58 - #9 Personal Refiner
00:05:26 - #8 Teleport Receiver/Matter Beam
00:07:52 - #7 Rocket Boots
00:08:55 - #6 Cargo Scan Deflector
00:10:14 - #5 Minotaur AI Pilot
00:11:28 - #4 Orbital Exocraft Materializer
00:12:41 - #3 Scanner Room
00:13:53 - #2 Economy/Conflict/Interstellar Scanners
00:15:45 - Honorable Mentions: Indium Drive and Underwater Protection
00:17:08 - #1 Aqua-Jets
00:17:51 - Outro

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I love how you sound like you’re smiling during the entire video 😂


Some tech I recommend (especially as a Permadeath player):

-X-class hazard protection upgrades. I use these exclusively instead of the normal C-S class hazard protection upgrades. Instead of giving the player a rechargeable shield, they offer longer resistance times to multiple hazards.

-X-Class shield, Sentinel and Authophage exosuit upgrades. These can offer multiple bonuses to life support, shield strength, core health, etc., in addition to your other exosuit upgrades. They may also give adjacency bonuses to all of each other, so you can pile on a total of 9 different exosuit upgrades.

-Infra-Knife Accelerator. Properly upgraded, this weapon can slice through shields and ship hulls and works well even at long range.

-Phase Beam. Not very effective at doing damage, but when fully upgraded, is great for recharging shields by siphoning them off of your enemies. Much better than scrolling through the quick menu to recharge your shields when every second matters.

-Neutron Cannon. This weapon is a beast that can scatter somewhat and hit multiple targets, but still deals massive amounts of damage even at longer ranges. It is great for collecting whispering eggs and dealing with the aftermath, as well as clearing out derelict freighters. It uses carbon-based elements in place of conventional ammunition to recharge, though, so be sure to keep a steady supply on hand.


My tip is to get the *S Class Hyperdrive Module* from the Technology Merchant on a space station which allows your ship to jump farther and use less warp fuel.


While not tech, if you're mass planet hopPing/warping USE AN EXPLORER. They use the least amount of fuel period so when using efficiency tech you're not likely to run out of fuel ever again even when you hop a LOT due to the fuel used being lower before you even add efficiency mods.


I don't find the Rocket boots to be a must have. I honestly hate them. I find they tend to trigger when I don't want them to and won't trigger when I do far too often for my liking.


As someone who just picked up the game after the latest update this is a great video thanks for the tips


A little addition to the matter beam for the freighter: You can access all storage if the freighter is within the same system. BUT you can still access the freighter main inventory, no matter where the freighter is. Can't port the freighter to the system due to a missing hyperdrive upgrade? Leave it where it is and dump materials into the main storage anyway. You can sort everything into the appropriate storage modules when you get back to it


I just got into No Man's Sky after the Worlds Part 1 update and I was soooo lost with all the available upgrades. I have actually been looking forward to exactly THIS!! Thank you!!


Teleport Receiver is my number 1 pick. The earlier you unlock it the better as you have super limited inventory early on. This also lets you focus on increasing your tech slots before your main inventory slots as you don’t need that many inventory slots with a huge inventory one tab away. I would give a mention to the optical drill as well. Extra resources reduces the tedium of mining.


Just wanted to say I like the calm, kind, cheerful disposition you have. A refreshing change from the yelly Shamwow content that seems to be the norm. Nicely put together editing too


Personal Refiner Mk2 is easily the best backpack tech in the game. Other than 3-ingredient refining and making food, you would never need to have a refiner in your base or freighter ever again with this thing. Never played NMS the same ever since


A few hot tips myself!
You can unlock the Orbital Materializer freighter tech via the base tech! It's in the same menu as the exocraft, and requires only one salvaged tech! Saves you a lot of time, heh.
Also, if you really want inventory transfer freedom - you can just change that as a difficulty setting.
If you want easy money, I'd actually recommend getting some s tier scanning upgrades! You can get hundreds of thousands of credits just for scanning creatures! So it helps reward you for doing things you should be doing anyways.

Also uh, a tip for permadeath since I think you need it Kanaju:
If you wanna just quickly get it over and done with, you can just find a traveler grave, use the first sigil to warp near the core, and then find your way there. Otherwise if you wanna go through the main quest, you can do so easily just by avoiding combat (just, a lot more than you would already. Permadeath isn't that bad if you've played survival. Main issue you'll be dealing with is the harsher inventory limits.)


I pre-purchased the game in 2016 or whenever it came out. I don’t play religiously, but when I come back I always love people like you who keep playing and keep me up to date 😂😂. You’re my favorite this time around lol


I have this game on Steam and my son has it on gamepass. We wanted to play the new update together but we can't because the gamepass version takes a little while to catch up with new updates. I had a day off work today and my son was home because schools out so I said fuck it and went and bought him the full-price not-on-sale-or-anything Steam version, even though the gamepass update is coming shortly.

This wasn't impatience. This was me expressing my thanks to Hello Games in the only way I could, to reward a company that not only redeemed themselves after their publisher forced them to release the game too early way back then, and Sean got a little... hyperbolic with his claims, but then continued to support their game and the growing commmunity that play it way beyond what anyone expected or felt was necessary. After the first 5 or so updates, once multiplayer and base building were in, they could have started charging small or even moderate amounts for each update and nobody would have faulted them, it would still have been worth it.

No. All free, every single one. Players are falling to their knees begging Sean to charge them, pleading with him to be fair to himself, but Sean and the rest of his team just continue to churn out quality update after quality update for no charge whatsoever, and on top of that regularly put the game on sale.

So I happily forked out the £49.99 today with a smile on my face so my son and I could play the new expedition together (which FYI is a fantastic way to start a new save for the rewards alone.) I'll happily also spend whatever is asked of me to make Light no Fire the only game I ever pre-order again in this lifetime, because Hello Games have truly earned my trust that even on the off-chance that game comes out sub-par, I know for an absolute fact they will not stop working on it until they make it right.


a note on the rocket boots, they also take away the infinite boost on near vertical surfaces making climbing mountains way more difficult/annoying


These tips will help new players have a better experience, in an already fantastic experience.

On a side note, I think you'd be a great candidate for putting together a guide for inventory management, as that might be the thing new players struggle with at the very start. Learning to sort and organize your resources will improve a players experience immensely. I know you can do it!
Great guide overall! Subbed.


My biggest problem wirh NMS is the lack of variation on the same planet.
On 90% of planets it doesn't matter where you land... if you have seen 1km², you have basically seen the entire planet because it looks the same no matter where you are.
Execeptions are planets like the ones who have 1 large continent and the rest ist water but most planets don't even have water.

How about different biomes on one planet, north/south poles, rivers, mountain ridges or vast desert plains with no vegetation....

I hope for Worlds pt.2 because pt.1 already did a great job at expanding planet variations.


I literally played this game for the very first time a few days ago and now I can't stop! This is why I never started, cause now I'm gonna be obsessed for a lol. Thanks for the tips!!! Happy to see people still coming out with "new" content for the game!


glad i got exposed to your video before starting my first playthrough years ago. so many times where i thought "glad i know better, this slog would otherwise take forever".
happy to see you're still whipping these out and making the constantly updated game easier for newcomers and old. thank you for Doing Your Part, Liquidator Kanaju


I always forget to use my personal refiner. I definitely make use of all the other tech you highlighted here -- except for the Cargo Scan deflector. I usually just decide to fight ... or summon the Anomaly if I need to escape real quick. But the Cargo scan deflector seems like a good third option
