Basic Types and Operators in Python | Python for Beginners Lesson 1 | Code with Kylie

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In this Python series, I will teach Python from the beginning, to hopefully the point where you no longer need to watch YouTube to program your own scripts. This is Introduction to Programming with Kylie Ying.
In this video, I talk about the basics of Python, covering basic data types: integers, floats, booleans, strings, and NoneType. I also cover operators that allow us to operate on these basic types!
00:00 Introduction
02:32 Primitive Types - Ints
03:49 Primitive Types - Floats
06:35 Primitive Types - Bools
07:16 Primitive Types - Strings
09:15 Primitive Types - NoneTypes
10:07 Numerical Operators
14:47 PEMDAS
17:04 String Operators
21:57 Boolean Operators
This video was sponsored by Brilliant.
Stay tuned! Thanks for watching everyone!
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