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Commuting saves you time, money, gets you fit and for me it was the period where I lost a big chunk of weight. So wanted to share some tips that make it easier and simpler to get to work by bike. It also covers things like 'what if there isn't a shower at work' or 'my commute is too far'.

If you have any tips leave them in the comments :)

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Only thing I think this missed was a reference to the mental health benefits of bike commuting, nothing clears the mind at the end of a stressful day like that homeward bike ride … everyone touts the physical health benefits and they are considerable, but getting home chilled (and satisfied!) does wonders for you and family life!


Cycling to and from work is where the love of riding started for me. It’s a great way to start your day and upset motorists.


I had a job that was far away and I had to wear business dress clothes everyday which was too heavy to transport all the time. So I would drive in on Monday with my bike and clothes for the week, leave the car and bike commute all week. Then drive the car home on Friday evening. It really kept me committed to riding every day even in weather I really would have preferred to avoid!


Your comment sections are some of the most civilised I've ever come across.

Credit to you, I think.


I'm 55 years old and I've suffered from depression for about 25 years, exercise has always bee a part of managing it for me, mostly running, short distances 3 or 4 times a week. I work in a hospital appx. 13 miles away and earlier this year after a lot of thought and research I sold my car (my wife kept hers so we still had a car) bought a btwin tilt 120 folding bike from decathlon and started cycling to my local station, 2.5 miles away, then train, then 1.5 mile cycle at the other end. I did this everyday, whatever the weather and have benefitted physically and mentally. I've just bought a hybrid bike through the cycle to work scheme, I pick it up next week and after watching your film I'm going to start cycling the whole way, to and from work one day a week and take it from there. Until now everyone said commuting more than 10 miles each way was really difficult, but you are right, if you want to do it, you can and will do it and, as you say, it doesn't have to be all or nothing, on the other day's I'll carry on with bike and train. It is healthier, it does make you feel sharper and more alive, it's saved me a small fortune and you don't have to search for parking spaces. Thanks Katie.


Katie’s current series makes cycling approachable for everybody.

Her journey from non-cyclist to lean long distance rider is a heart on the sleeve example anybody can follow.


Just completed my 1st practice commute to my job the other day(27mi)! Thank you for all the great info. From vegan nutrition to planning routes and practicing being kind to yourself. It's nice to see someone on this platform that is so sincere and relatable. 🙂


My commute is only 8 km round trip and I often ride easy to work and push it on the way home. I’m fortunate that I can ride bike paths the entire commute. It’s fun to overcome challenges such as the cold or rain.


Remember to learn the Highway Code or equivalent in your country so you know how to legally ride on the road. I did and found it useful to feel more comfortable and to have the inevitable discussions with other road users. Great tips, enjoying the series and advice.


Using wipes after a ride and before starting work turns out great.


I was worried about Covid19 pandemic. So I substitute car or public transport uses for bike. With this change I gained much better sleeping nights among others surprising things. Better nights brought me extra energy to face (and now enjoy) the life! It makes me happier in an incredible way! I am leaving in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I am Brazilian and I love the bike revolution which is happen around the world! Congrats for your videos, Katie. Congratulations for everyone that love the bicycles!!!


I'm almost 63, I ride to work everyday and love the time out, frosty morning, traffic less commutes. Sometimes when sharing my passion with work colleagues and friends, I get disbelief about the pleasures and benefits, in future I'll share this video link.


I always work from home and got myself a road bike last year to spend every few days on the bike after work. I always liked riding my city bike, but having a proper road bike increased the level of fun by a huge amount. I found your channel a few days ago while looking for clipless paddle tips and subscribed. Your videos motivate me to go out and ride my bike even more. Thanks for doing this and keep up the good work, Katie!


When Covid-19 is over, I want to start cycling (20 km each way) to university (I'm a 20 year old student). I live in Hamburg, Germany and cycling is often dangerous to life. That's why I took the train before... But I will find a bike friendly route:) Fingers crossed.
Thanks for the video❤️


i'm gonna start work to another city, and your video inspire me to do a bike commuting, thanks


I have been cycling ever since I can remember. To school, shopping with parents, touring on holidays and now commuting to everywhere. Depression locks me in when possible and your channel helps me to remember that passion for cycling. I don't have car or license and feel best about the carbon footprint which I avoid at all costs. You bring up great points with your topics and today I learned mote again. Thank you for sharing and cycling all options available 🤗🙏


Thanks for all your videos. I used to be in great shape and cycled all the time. But now, after being lazy for years, I've gained like 60lbs. But I'm moving back to Dallas, TX from San Diego, CA and already purchased a new road bike and will pick up the day I arrive and I'll be commuting to/from work every day. And will re-join a bike club when I arrive also so that I can do 4 weekly rides. Gonna be really rough to start all over again but I'm looking forward to it.


I have been in bodybuilding, football, basketball all kind of sports..but cycling have stoled my heart, for me and the rest of my life hope so is gonna be cycling cycling and more cycling!!! Riding in the evening when nobody is outside is just priceless. 🚴🏻❤️


Great advice there, I've been commuting for the last 20 years on my bike, come rain shine and snow, it's quicker, better for me and the environment, by doing this i have inspired about more than half a dozen colleagues to do it,
We are now looking into getting another bike shelter due to the demand,
Keep up the great work and sorry to hear about you breaking down on the way to Sheffield 😔😁


the money I've saved via commuting I've just spent back on bike stuff, and i wouldn't have it any other way!
