@_adammcg ya know never anticipated this usage of the lyrics when i sang them but i’m here for it

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Sims 4 relationships honestly. Gotta max that friendship and romance stay


That was really creative, the face at the end was 🤌


This guy i was talking to claimed me as one of his "closest friends" and then said that he's in love with me AFTER JUST A WEEK OF TALKING 💀


Ughhhh I hate when this happens, like I barely know you, and the worst part is when you communicate that you need more time/want to be friends, but that apparently can't compute bc they KEEP bringing it back UP every OTHER SeNTAncE

Then bc of the emotional disparity and the overwhelming affection being thrown on you, instead of friends you end up ghosting


The thing that I find funny about these relationships is how shocked they are once they actually get into them sometimes. I've seen it happen with both genders LOL. They create an image of the person they just started talking to and their head and that's basically their perfect match, and automatically fall in love with it even though they haven't known that person long enough to even be friends with them. Then are surprised when that person isn't like their fantasy of them. If you fall in love that fast, chances are that you're falling for the version of them in your head rather than them.


Talked to one dude for three days & he said "I love you." No, you don't love me, you love the perception you have of me.

I'm editing this cause a lot of ppl seem to think it's only guys who do this, but I've had this done to me by women too.


Why do they always wanna jump into relationship stuff like bro I don't even know you 😭💀 and if you hear "I need more time"/"I'd rather get to know each other first" and STILL try to make it like a relationship or keep asking me out them I'm ghosting 💀


I get the appeal of wanting to be in a relationship with the other after 3 days but like I would rather be safe than possibly getting into a relationship of a lunatic/murderer/serial killer/insane 🗿

call me having trust issue or whatever but I rest my case with my take on this lmao 💀


The worst thing is thinking you have a best friend and then discovering it was just a creepy guy who wanted to date you all along.


I’ve had this happen too, guys want a relationship not the person. You can’t fall in love with someone after a week lol


This made me hysterically laugh, had a guy tell me 3 days after we started talking (as friends) that he loved me 9 days after my bf of 2 years left me. It’s been a crazy year so far


some guys really need to socialize with girls more, beyond dating. like i really think that's why some guys claim they're in love so quickly bc they just don't have enough girl friends and they get confused about their feelings.
some dudes really are just trying to manipulate you though, which is very gross.


Yesterday I started talking to someone and they asked if we were a thing— we talked for 30 minutes


It kind of scares me when this happens. Like you don't even know who I am? It took my husband months to get to know the real me and vice versa. I am an abuse survivor and it takes me a lot longer to open up and feel comfortable but he felt I was worth the wait 😭💕 After only a few days of knowing me, you will have 0 concept of who I really am. If you feel you're in love after only a few days, congrats you're attracted to the idea of that person and not who they really are. My lovely people, you gotta take it slow, abusers take advantage of those who "fall fast" and they won't show their true colors until they've gotten you where they want you. They act how they think you want them to so they can isolate you. That goes for all genders. Be careful, lovelies, be careful with your heart and pay attention to their words and behavior. If they want to rush you 🚩love does not have a set pace, it's like a good soup. The longer it takes the better it is. Be safe, yall.


"I would rather die" got me sendinggHhGuh


Yea that happened to me and I sort of just went with it. He then proceeded to break up with me a few weeks later because he didn't know what he wanted. He rushed and pushed everything, and dipped when he realized he couldn't handle it.


This is my least favorite thing about dating. Like, I didn't say I don't like you, but I don't even know you yet nor do you really know me so you've clearly created a version of me in your head that you want to date and/or you're emotionally unstable enough to attach yourself to a stranger and/or you want to rush things along for s3x. Either way, I'm immediately turned off.


When my partner and I realized we were both interested in a relationship, we have each other one and a half months time to think through it.
3 years, going stronger than ever ❤


The guy I just met 2 days ago proposed me. Twelve years after we're still together going strong. If someone really loves you, duration of knowing you doesn't matter. What matters is, how much are you both willing to compromise and balance your lives.


Same thing happened with me a week or two ago, I barely knew this dude and we started talking for about 2 days and he said he liked me and wanted to be in a relationship. I kept saying that I need time to know him and he agreed but still bought up the same topic in every text and every meet. I was really pissed cuz he was indirectly forcing me into a relationship. I 'dumped' him and blocked him....
