Senator Josh Hawley: It's Time to Rethink America’s Foreign Policy Consensus

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Ours must be a foreign policy for the people who built this country; one that honors our workers by protecting their livelihoods; protects our way of life by thwarting hegemons; and respects our service-members by asking them to sacrifice only for a justified purpose and only with a reasonable plan.

Our purpose in the world is informed by our character at home, and by our enduring aspiration to be a free people. Our unique way of democracy is a gift--to us and to the world. Now we must rise to defend it again in our day.

By championing a free and open international system, by striving for a world free from domination and imperialism, we do our part to carry forward our revolutionary inheritance.

Our nation will be safer for it. Our people will be more prosperous for it. And the world will be better because of it.

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It's time for a new departure in our foreign policy. One that ends forever wars and puts the needs of our workers and middle class first. On that stands up to China and resists their new imperialism. The foreign policy consensus of both the left and right for last 30 years is outdated and misguided. Our aim should be the prosperity and security of the American people, not nation building.


Thank you Senator for standing with Hong Kong 🇭🇰, we wish that the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act can be voted at the Senate as soon as possible.


I concur. Hope everyone that heard those words understand and stand with all Americans and Patriots. We don't need China or Russia or other countries that are against humanity. God bless.


Thank you Sen. Hawley. We wish Hong Kong human right and democracy’s act can be voted as soon as possible. The time is now. The people in HK is against communists rule and deserves freedom and democracy.


One more standing up for 🇺🇸people 💪👍❤️🤗


Help Hong Kong young people! Thank you


Like iconic warship Missouri, fights for Freedom!


Nations are not just cultural collections of ideas and philosophies. Nations are the people and the people have genetic interests.


Hong Kongers need your help, thank you in anticipation.


Josh Howley will always get my vote! A true American that represent Americans. Good bless him !!!!🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸


America First. No more wars for Isreal.


I look forward to seeing you become president in the future.


It's so damn refreshing seeing a Republican who is capable of talking sensibly. I feel there were some oversights in his telling of history, though. America has always been expansionist. We fought the French and Indian War because the French were encroaching too close. One of the many reasons for the Revolution was the Proclamation of 1763 keeping the colonists from expanding past the Appalachians. The Mexican-American War was the United States strong-arming 1/3 of Mexico's territory away from them. The Spanish-American War was our forceful takeover of many of Spain's colonial holdings. Teddy Roosevelt helped Panama gain its independence, but then annexed the canal soon thereafter. The first half of our history is rife with expansionist tendencies.

I really liked how he argued that America should stop trying to impose its will onto the rest of the world. But I disliked how adversarial his tone was when it came to China. Without a doubt China is attempting to extend its economic influence and something must be done. But his methods for combating that spread? It sounded like he was proposing to do the same thing China is doing. As if Japan, Taiwan, India and Vietnam were pawns to be won over in a second Cold War. Hawley argues that he doesn't want the US to be a hegemon... But what's the alternative?

Also - the key issue of the day is the impeachment inquiry. I could really get behind this guy depending on how he acts come the trial. I hope he can put country over party.


Hawley is a good example of how real conservatives should get elected. Pretend to be a moderate to get establishment support and keep them off your back. Then be your true self after you’re elected.


Dissolve the American empire....restore the republic. We cannot restore our republic until the empire is dissolved! "Friendly relations with all nations...entangling alliances with none." - George Washington's farewell address


Good luck to Hong Kong but we don't have a dog in that fight, Sen. Hawley! Hands off Hong Kong! No war for Hong Kong will be worth it! It risks nuclear war with the Chi-coms! Let the people of Hong Kong fight their own fight! No war for Hong Kong!


uhhh ohh!! Josh, did I hear you just refer to Bush's "eloquent speech of a NEW WORLD ORDER"? I know the rest of your speech stood for everything NOT NWO but let me tell you, using that phrase will not fare well with your Christian voters. Nonetheless, it was an excellent speech!
