Does Energy Saver Setting on A TV Actually Save Energy?

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Does Energy Saver on your TV actually save any energy?

Have you ever wondered if the energy saving mode on your TV actually did anything well apparently I did.

I am unplugged from our power pedastol and I am running a 48’’ tv from our Battle Born Batteries and Xantrek 1,000 watt inverter. I have the TV set to standard and I am using our Victron battery monitor to see how many amps per hour the TV is using. In this mode we can see that it is using 11.2 amps per hour, but what happens when I switch to the energy mode setting. You can see there is a drop of almost 2.5 amps per hour. This may not sound like a lot, but if you are out boondocking using your solar panles while watching a lot of TV this could really add up for you and make the difference of needing to turn your generator on to help bring power back in to your coach. If your TV does not have a Energy saver function, I have found that the Theater setting uses a similar amount of power as well.

Everything used in this video for this test.
2 100 amp hour Battle Born Batteries
Xantrex Pro 1000 Watt inverter
Victron battery monitor
48 inch insignia TV
Winnebago Vista LX 27N

Well that’s it hope you enjoyed the video and I wish you safe travels!
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I'm not even sure my TV has that setting but I am going to check right now. Good info.


Here’s a tip: if you don’t have energy savings mode AND theater mode, just turn your brightness down.


That is interesting even though we don't boondock. It might be something for people to remember when facing "Brown outs" by the power companies. Maybe those living in these areas should all switch to energy saving mode to help alleviate some of the strain on the power system..


I find it to be great information. The more I learn the better. Thanks Bro.


"Nooo!" I laughed out loud, thanks, I needed that!


Actually pretty interesting! Didn’t even know the tv had an energy saver mode


One reason I don't think my hubby would boondock. He turns the TV on at 5am, it runs all day. If he has yard work to do or has to run an errand, he pauses the TV and picks up where he left off when he gets home. He records everything on earth here at the house. So when we are here it's catch up time. We both zone out for a day after the grandkids go home. We can have them 3-5 days at the time. It's draining to be on the go with them all day and the oldest will not sleep in his bed. He sleeps with us and the dog so we don't get good sleep when we have them. It takes it tole! LOL HUGS~Donna


Hello, I wanted to ask you if it damages the TV, if you left it in the automatic energy saving models, I have a LG TV, can it damage the processor?


Kenny- RE: Magna Shade- Can you see out the window?


Wondering how much difference it would be from highest backlight to lowest backlight
