Marillion - Kayleigh

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COPYRIGHT DOESN´T BELONG TO ME. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO MARILLION. Music video by Marillion performing Kayleigh. © 1985 WMG. AudioVisual administered by: WMG.
This video has been uploaded for entertainment purposes only and is in accordance with fair use standards (section 107 of the U.S. Copyright. Act.).

“Kayleigh" é uma canção da banda britânica de rock progressivo Marillion. Foi lançado como o primeiro single do álbum “Misplaced Childhood”, e continua a ser o single do grupo mais bem sucedido em termos de posição, tornando-se um sucesso. Foi mantido desde a primeira colocação no UK no verão de 1985. A canção recebeu uma grande quantidade de exposição na mídia no Reino Unido. Quarenta e uma estações de rádio locais independentes na Grã-Bretanha tinham o single em suas listas de reprodução e se tornou o mais tocado na rádio BBC. O vídeo promocional para o single foi filmado em Berlim, onde foi gravado o álbum Misplaced Childhood.
Destaque para Tamara Nowy, uma mulher alemã que posteriormente casou com o vocalista Fish. Robert Mead é o rapaz retratado na capa do álbum e no single. A canção foi cantada por Fish para o 70º aniversário de Nelson Mandela 70º em homenagem no estádio de Wembley, com Midge Ure na guitarra e Phil Collins na bateria.

Fish afirmou que sua canção escrita foi 'sua forma de pedir desculpas para algumas das mulheres que ele namorou no passado'. Embora o vocalista e letrista da banda, Fish, tinham em um dado momento uma mulher cujo apelido era “Kay Lee”, a canção foi mais uma composição de diferentes mulheres com quem ele teve relacionamentos. Fish citou: “Eu estava muito confuso no momento, você sabe, eu tinha vários relacionamentos a longo prazo, relacionamentos 'profundos e significativos' que basicamente tinha eu destruído porque estava obcecado com a carreira, e onde eu queria ir. Fui muito egoísta e só queria ser um famoso cantor, mas começava a tornar-se consciente dos sacrifícios que eu estava fazendo, e acho que Kay era um destes sacrifícios que ocorreu ao longo da estrada. "Kayleigh" não era apenas sobre uma pessoa, era sobre três ou quatro pessoas diferentes.

Em 24 de outubro de 2012, Marillion anunciou no Facebook “Que triste notícia” (através do Fish) - Kay - que inspirou nossa música Kayleigh - infelizmente morreu”.
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My name is Kayleigh and my mum named me after this song. I love her for doing so. Thank you mum and I love you so much


This came out shortly before I met my husband Gareth. We had 34 yrs together. I lost him in 2020 to cancer at 58 yrs old. This lovely song takes me back there. Wish I could go back.... Love you Gar. Miss you love. ❤️❤️


Hi. I am Kayleigh. The first born. Grew up listening to this song. This song is me. 😊


1985 baby here- My mum named me after this song ❤ miss you mum x😢


I was fortunate enough to see Marillion live at The Chance in Poughkeepsie NY in fall of 1989 I believe. I'm 66 now, and I've seen many live shows, Pink Floyd, The Who, etc. but seeing Marillion up close and personal will always be one of the favorite shows I've ever attended. I was actually standing shoulder to shoulder with Fish as he made his way through the crowd while singing this song. Almost 35 years ago, but I'll never forget that show...


Probably the best love song ballad ever! The guitar sound alone just penetrates your soul!


one of the most beautiful love songs ever written


The first chords of the song and you can already tell this is a hit.
No waiting for a great refrain- the song starts like a hit.


Essa música causa um nostalgia profundo, foi trilha sonora de milhões de pessoas durante a juventude, e agora tá sendo marcante nessa geração que não pode passar pela vida sem ter a experiência de ouvir essa música.


My sisters name is Kayleigh. Thank you to my mum for naming her after this song. Love this song.


One of the absolute best songs of the 80s. The bass playing on this my gosh so great


Back when big, strong men could write an absolute tune about being in love…🙏🙏🙏


Just perfection. It’s like the best of Genesis and the best of Rush in one song.


Für mich mit unter den Top Ten der schönsten Lieder die jemals geschrieben und vertont wurden! Geht schwer unter die Haut und bleibt für immer im Kopf 👍


What a powerful ballad I left school 2 months after first hearing this. 53 now and still love it as much as back then.


What a great song, great memories. Definitely an iconic 80s sound and hit.


We named our daughter Kaleigh. From this song!❤ she is now 35❤️❤️❤️


I first saw this band and song on MTV circa 1984-85. Loved it and loved that Name! Named my first daughter Kailey. Very special


Berlin sometime in 1985 or 86? I was on the technical team for the video shoot. Sound assistant. Shooting with the Arri SR on 16mm colour negative, playback sound with the Nagra ... Active speakers on a handcart, voltage transformer and a car battery. It was a bulky technique. Marillion was not so well known in West Berlin at the time of Einstürzende Neubauten and Industrial Post Punk. They lived in the middle-class hotel Heckers Dehle .... somewhere across the Kudamm. I remember that they were all very normal and friendly musicians. Especially the keyboard man. There were also quite a few others in Berlin. They produced the video in Berlin because Marillion were recording at Hansaton..the recording Studio no 1 in Berlin. Shooting locations were the wall die Mauer near Alfred Döblin Platz, Meistersaal Hansatonstudio, Schloss Charlottenburg, and on the west bank So36, near Schlesisches Tor opposite Oberbaumbrücke. But of course it was still closed at the time and I think it was pretty broken. It's strange that it was so long ago and I can remember it. Fish was a huge guy. ..and the model became his wife....the 80s in Berlin 😂😂😂 ...and many girls in England are now called Kayleigh....


I could have this song on replay forever .amazing, why can’t we have music like this these days .happy memories listening to this many years ago . Such an emotional song but beautiful x
