Jennifer Granholm: A clean energy proposal -- race to the top!

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Kicking off the TED2013 conference, Jennifer Granholm asks a very American question with worldwide implications: How do we make more jobs? Her big idea: Invest in new alternative energy sources. And her big challenge: Can it be done with or without our broken Congress?

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Who is here after she was named Secretary of Energy? 🇺🇸


Here in 2021. I am so excited to know she will be our new Secretary of Energy🌟


The new potential energy secretary has a plan for American jobs, leadership, energy independence, and climate solutions. This is sorely needed and there isn’t a better advocate for it than Granholm.


The town actually took steps to keep the other 2 factories. They annexed the factories from city property so they wouldnt have to pay city property tax, and got the county to wave all taxes. This way it keeps jobs and money in the area. They also gave the factories better power and water rates from the local BPW to help. It has worked, one of the plants is now expanding and is suppose to bring in another 50 jobs!!!


They ran one for over 54 hours non-stop, plus they accumulated over five years of running that reactor. Plus fluoride compounds are not a complete unknown - they are used in current uranium enrichment processes and as storage. It is an eminently testable solution that is being tested for at the moment.


all that comes to mind is something I once heard, "speak the truth even if your voice shakes"


I agree, they're probably right, it's just 54 hours straight and 5 years off and on use on a small experimental reactor does not do the same amount of damage as 20 years of constant use to a full scale reactor.


Wow a politician I think I actually like..


Sadly the people here in Nevada freaked out about nuclear waste and Yucca Mt. has been defunded and is actively being blocked by our governor.


yes like she said factories are leaving for mexico over 50, 000 factories in fact. you know because juarez pays $1.50 an hour. it really helps to pay attention.


Jennifer Granholm is a great choice for energy secretary. She is smart, charismatic, energetic and accomplished leader!


I know. The original idea of a taxes was to crowd-fund government. But what I mean is that the single projects are crowd-funded. That you as a citizen can decide wherefore the government spends your money. That was included in the original idea of a parliament as well, but as you probably know it doesn't work exactly as it should.
My idea was to abolish taxes and establish the idea that the people directly control the states finances by deciding for which projects to spend the money. :)


This is such an intelligent idea and one that is truly perfect for America. America is a competitive place, and while each state might not be able to offer the best solar or wind-powered devices, other states could instead focus their energies on innovation for new technologies or efficiencies to our current technology. These are all things we will need if we are to curb global warming, and my hope is that the entire world will be able to adopt this thinking.


Ive watched it first hand. When I was growing up there were 4 factories in my home town with a population of around 3500. But workers from the area filled to factories, most drove in from 20 minutes or less. 2 factories have shut down and the population of the town has dropped to 2, 000 people in the last 10 years. Most other small towns in the area watched their populations drop in even worst percentages....


Missing the big picture here. Our country needs to export more, to counteract the huge imports.

That would mean we need to sell to other countries.
Heck even our own American citizens wont buy American Made, because of the huge price differences in products.

It is up to every individual to make a decision how they purchase.

Every purchase creates jobs!


im from Michigan...and this man is a nut.


Whatever happened to discussions about incinerators? Last I heard, they had solved the health issues. It sounded like a good way to finally handle our trash problem, making it the greenest of green energy solutions. Did I miss something?


Not really. Unless there's a clause that requires the state to distribute that money to the businesses. If that's the case, why give it to the states at all? Why not just make it a competition for what business can create the most jobs? This whole thing simply isn't well thought out.


Oh, yes, that's true. One reason to listen to what your grand parents say! :D
But if we don't know, how do the politicians of today know, then?


Uranium fluoride is used in uranium enrichment processes and has been used so for over 60 years now. Plus you can ask the Russians on how well their lead eutectic submarines (which have had over 15+ years on each reactor) fared and learn from those experiences.
