War Thunder's Anti-Everything Missile Carrier

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Since CAS is such a recurrent problem in War Thunder realistic battles, one of my favorite things to do is act as a dedicated anti-air player. With the Air Defense Anti-Tank System or ADATS, you can engage both aircraft and ground vehicles with success. Though Gaijin have nerfed the ADATS somewhat, it is still a great tool to have on your team. The only issue is that Russia is so dominant at top tier that your NATO teams will often crumble around you, leaving you to fend off hordes of T-80BVMs and T-90s by yourself. I was able to eventually get a nuke with the ADATS, but it was an incredibly close call.

Check the channel "About" section for the link to the creator of my profile picture.

Songs used (in order from first to last):
Command and Conquer: Generals - Various USA Themes
Halo 3: ODST - Rain (Deference for Darkness)

Sound mods:
Epic Thunder (Pre-release)

Reddit: /u/spookston
Discord: See my Patreon page.

#warthunder​​​​​​​​​​​​ #tanks​​​​​​​​​​​​ #tankhistory
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This man really just solo'd an entire russian team and got a nuke off with an ADATS alone.


As TheRussianBadger so eloquently put it... ADATS stands for Anti - DAT - Shit, whereby DAT - shit can be classified as anything you are currently pointing at.


“Today is one of those days where Im feeling really vindictive towards CAS, not for any reason in particular”

Ah yes, better known as every day the moment I launch the game.


Imagine the Chaos if the M1 AGDS was in Warthunder...


The only way to beat Russian top tier is to single handedly hold out against the entire team and call in a nuke. Gaijin moment.


The T-80BVM was hilarious, perfect timing :P
Regarding your question at 1:49 the answer is: " _yes_ "
Just the front alone is like three angled, spaced NERA plates, the top with the Hedghog armor isn't so much better and the sides are even worse for chemical rounds, there you have ERA, spaced plates, Composite and or Nera plates (depending on the exact location), base armor. And the turret is also covered in spaced plates and Nera plates over the base armor.

Although I don't think the Puma ingame has all off this armor and just compensates this with volumetric, lol :P


Spookston has decided to adopt Phlydaily's mantra for today; "Let my Tankers Tank!".


"All the planes keep crashing before I can shoot them." Well yeah, they're German players.


Everything about this content is so easy to absorb. I enjoy these videos a lot.


Hey Spook, I saw a video not too long ago (cant remember the name), about SPAA. ADATS was in it and they mentioned that if you shoot the missile in third person, it will track the reticle of where youre aiming, not the highest point of your gun. That means that you can shoot down planes from 90 degrees above yourself, but youre not able to radar lock them. It works, tried it myself in few games and got kills.


As a player who has never reached top tier (yet), I want to ask, howcome flairs seems not effective in jets or helicopters?


Dunno when you made the video, but planes crash cause gaijin raised people's graphic settings (so you have to reset them) and lot of computers cannot support it, people usually discover it the hard way (happened to me and some friends, we crashed a couple of times because of freeze before realising our graphic settings were on "cinematic mode")


So I came to realize this only a couple weeks ago, after playing for so many years. When using the shturm, you can guide the missile in 3rd person practically any where, including straight up(it only has like 60° elevation when using the sight). It's VERY effective.


Something I find funny is that russia won't get nerfed. When Germany and Sweden dominated for 1 patch and got slapped with the reload reduction nerf. Now when Russia has been dominating for almost 2 years and still no sign of balance anywhere


When spook said "“Today is one of those days where I'm feeling really vindictive towards CAS; not for any reason in particular”" I really felt that


As Russian Badger said: ADATS= Anti-DAT-Shit


I have never dropped a nuke or had one dropped on me.

I really like the possibility that one person can be so good that they can win for the team.


I like the implication that everybody on youtube just watches Sseth's every video and I'm not going to question it


Hey spookston could you do a video on the CV90-105 some people I know claim that if the BMP2M and the 2S38 get moved up that it should also be moved up claiming the CV90 is broken and overpowered and I say it isn't. I would like to hear your opinion on it and hopefully get to say the words I told you so.


With the ADATS you can guide the missile in third person view up to the 85 degrees shown on the stat card bit tricky but allows you to hit targets almost directly above you but I sure wish I could look with the gunner view!
