Reacting to How Scump Plays CoD | Modern Warfare Pro Player Review | JGOD

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I React to Scump and his Pro Player raw Call of Duty Modern Warfare Gameplay and breakdown the different ways that they play and breakdown their accuracy, class setup, map awareness, and map control to help players improve at Cod MW.
The "Pro Player Review" Series is a series where I focus on 1 or more Pro Player's Gameplay from Modern Warfare, and Provide Tips & Tricks to improve while reacting to all aspects of the gameplay, including map awareness, class setup, accuracy, and general movement.
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About JGOD:
I started Making Youtube Videos Specific to Call of Duty in August 2017.
The Content is Geared towards Helping players improve by providing practical tips and tricks, best Class Setups, and Guides.
Reacting to How Scump Plays CoD | Modern Warfare Pro Player Review |JGOD
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The "Pro Player Review" Series is a series where I focus on 1 or more Pro Player's Gameplay from Modern Warfare, and Provide Tips & Tricks to improve while reacting to all aspects of the gameplay, including map awareness, class setup, accuracy, and general movement.
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About JGOD:
I started Making Youtube Videos Specific to Call of Duty in August 2017.
The Content is Geared towards Helping players improve by providing practical tips and tricks, best Class Setups, and Guides.
Reacting to How Scump Plays CoD | Modern Warfare Pro Player Review |JGOD
Video URL: