1. What is Apologetics?

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The One Minute Apologist explains the definition of apologetics and why it is necessary.
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I disagree that it is a "defense" in the context of the scripture. In my studies Apologia primary meaning is to give an "answer" for the HOPE that is within you. When I am out witnessing for Christ very rarely do I give a defense of Christ. This only happens when I find those that are hostile to the Gospel. I spend most of my time giving an answer for the HOPE that is within me. There is a difference.
P.S. I have just recently found your site. It is really great so far. I look forward to going through you videos.


Such an awesome channel. Finally a logical Christian youtube channel.


Thank you for not making that a ten minute video on a 1 minute question.


I found this thanks to Janet Parshall. Bless you brother.


great channel bro.. surprised i just found it..


@The1hope4all on standard issue Nazi German stormtrooper's belt buckle was engraved "Gott Mit Uns" (God With Us) why? because they wore Roman Catholics. my cousin collects vintage stuff, and he got a few buckle's in his collection. I was born in USSR, my mother and my grandmother are a Russian Christian Orthodox and so is a dominating part of my relatives, some have other religions, and they practiced their religions without any problems and never been thrown in to jail for it.


i would sent the english sentences with the Spanish sentences which correspond
it would be a great blessing to Spanish speaking countries


@The1hope4all non of the nations ever made a serious attempt to ban religion, if you think of Nazi Germany - they wore Roman Catholics, Japan Emperor Hirohito was regarded as sun God, north Korean Kim Jong Il was regarded as God an his son as a reincarnation of him, in USSR christian religion worked on "don't ask don't tell" basis. there wore never the time when a county went by atheistic way. USA and Australia are the only two which tried to separate religion from state, and did real good :)


Coul i try to translate your videos into Spanish (sent the tranlation to you) and youi could upload them with Spanish subtitles?


Why are so many atheists so rude? By no means do I mean all atheists or even the majority... maybe it's just a vocal minority? Still, excellent channel man.


I'm an Atheist. Don't care what you believe . To each their own.


I think we've got this whole "Apologetics" thing quite wrong, there is this "militant" or combative form of Apologetics that is dangerous and that I disagree with, there isn't even such a thing as an "apologist" in the Bible, Ephesians 4:11-12 says *"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up"* where are "apologists" here? Of course 1 Peter 3:15 does say to "always be prepared to give a defence to anyone who asks us for the reason for the hope that is in us", but it's NOT specific to "apologists" it is for ALL Christians in general and the purpose of it is to give them an opening to share the Gospel, so the more accurate term would be "evangelism" instead of "apologetics", and this kind of militant "apologetics" is also being misapplied and misdirected, what I mean is "apologetics" should be conditional since 1 Peter 3:15 says that we are to give a defence ONLY IF somone "asks us" and not to deliberately go into war with just about any non-christian who doesn't even care and just wants to debate, that's why I also don't believe in street preaching or door-to-door missionary services, i see very less souls being saved and only more debates, as a result of this we attract the wrong kind of people like the athiests and other critics who come to Christian videos only to bash Christianity and poison the place, when they're not even welcome or needed, Christianity is not for them, but if someone is ASKING us, it means the Holy Spirit is convicting and drawing them, "apologetics" should only be for GENUINE skeptics not for critics, there's a difference between a "skeptic" and a "critic" a skeptic is somone who is seeking genuine answers to questions, they're still seekers, whereas a critic is someone who is already CONVINCED in thier minds that Christianity is false such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Cosmicskeptic etc. they have already arrived at a conclusion, so we needn't give them any attention, don't even watch thier videos, we need to focus more on THE CHURCH, rectifying and edifying CHRISTIANS, we need to focus more on our spiritual growth by fasting, prayer, worship and meditating on the word, also we often leave out the most important part of 1 peter 3:15 *"but respond with gentleness and respect"*


@The1hope4all exactly, there is no evidence for that, but this question can be easily answered by just trying it, never in the history of human kind there was a time when people did not worship imaginary being, killed in his name or mutilated children's genitals in it's name, punish by death people who wore a different sexuality then they, enslaved other nations because they wore given a divine right to do so, yes, i can only imagine what a world would be, and i must say it does look's rather good :)


@SkyDiverLynx that are caused by this believe. if you have the proposal on how to eliminate harmful actions of religion without eliminating a religion i am more then willing to listen, i am a big supporter of human right, and i believe that everyone is equal, no matter where they are born or who their parents are :)


Apologists' arguments don't work on New Atheists. We see through them. That's why we're New Atheists.


@The1hope4all are you avoiding my question? i have no problem with God, and as i said before i'm not a atheist, i am anti-theist, anti-church, anti-priests, do i really have to repeat my self? nonexistent things can not hurt humanity, or any being for that matter. every nation or culture on this plane believed in some entity, but i was not the believe that was and still is the problem, it's the actions


@The1hope4all yes i can indeed, USA, this country was founded on the believe that no church or any other religious organisation may intervene in the works of the government, i and i must say it did rater well. can you name me any country which was influenced by religion and did not engaged it self in children's genitals mutilation, genocide, enslavement, killing other religious organisation member, abuse of women, honor kill and rape, where people have a right to their own opinion?


It's funny because I could ask the same question about Christians. In my time discussing religion here on youtube I have been called the following and more by Christians:
A waste of oxygen
A waste of skin
A worthless sack of shit
A homosexual that was broken in by my uncle
A communist
A nazi
A pedophile
That i secretly believe in God but ignore/hate him to justify my hedonistic lifestyle
... and these were just the that came to mind while typing this message.


@Hufflewaffle Everyone is "closed-minded" in one way or another, even if you're right you're still closed-minded, truth is a closed-minded thing it's not open for discussion or opinions. Like for instance if I ask "what do you believe?" If it's anything that goes against anyone elses beliefs then you yourself would be labeled closed-minded. Now maybe you're talking about it in a different way, like christians being closed-minded & judgmental toward peoples looks, interests, etc. on that I agree.


Response to Aaron1Genesis; Search YouTube for: Why Are You Atheists So Angry? Greta Christina Skepticon 4
