Bag of Spanners

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In the UK we say that something is a "bag of spanners" when it seems to work, but when you look inside it turns out to be badly implemented.

Implementing accessible code can sometimes feel like a bag of spanners - something thrown together in ways that will probably give you (or someone using your product) trouble.

It doesn't have to be like this though.

With an understanding of how accessibility mechanics work in the browser, knowledge of how to provide or polyfill accessibility semantics, and a little bit of effort, you can turn your bag of spanners into a useful set of tools.


Léonie is Director of TetraLogical; a member of the W3C Advisory Board; co-Chair of the W3C Web Applications Working Group; and a member of the BIMA Inclusive Design Council.

Amongst other things, Léonie is co-organiser of the Inclusive Design 24 (#id24) conference; co-author of the Inclusive Design Principles; and mentor to young people interested in the fields of accessibility and inclusive design. She is also a Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP).

In her spare time, Léonie likes reading, cooking, drinking tequila, and dancing (although not necessarily in that order)!
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