The 7 Workflows of Professional Animators

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Here are some in-depth examples of how you can utilize new animation workflows into your next shot!

We start off a bit basic, but this video FOR SURE has something for everyone.

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Chapter Markers:
0:00 - There's a Reason We Need to Discuss Workflows
2:09 - Pose to Pose
7:20 - Straight Ahead
9:27 - Layered
14:21 - 2D Sketch Blocking
18:36 - Reference Blocking
24:28 - Extremes
28:37 - Key Categories / Layered Poses


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SEO Stuff:
animation, animation workflow, workflows, 3d workflow, blender animation, maya animation, animation tutorial, animation guide, how to animate, guide to animation, animation for beginners, advanced animation, professional animation, job, jobs, get hired, feature animation, animation studio, pixar, dreamworks, disney, 2d animation, 3d animation, video reference, animation reference, sketch blocking, how to block animation, animation blocking, how to block animation, block out, blocking pass, spline, stepped, why is my animation bad, pose to pose, layered animation, animation layers, straight ahead, animate faster, improve animation, animate better, like a pro, animation class, workshop, lesson, live animation, demo, exercise, example, examples, demo reel, animation reel

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Which workflow do you usually use - or better yet, did these give you any ideas for what to try next? :) Let me know if I missed any workflows as well! :D


The "extremes" workflow is exactly what I do for rotoscoping in VFX. I break the body/object into parts that are moving and then I animate each one following the extremes of their movement. Then I fill the gaps in between. Saves a lot of time and unnecessary keyframes. I love to see that extrapolated in your animation workflow.

Hi fives from Spain. Your channel is pure gold man.


Hey Sir Wade, would like to confirm this to you that YES! It is 100% true that they DON'T teach us about these workflows in College/Universities.


Thank you SirWade, imagine going to a private college that say they will teach you animation
1st year basic 2d animation
2nd year advanced 2d animation + intro to 3d
3rd year 3d animation and internships
But what really happens is each year the 2nd/3rd year lecturers jump ship because their getting paid peanuts and the college is scamming scholarship providers with ghost learners and pocketing all the money, all while not teaching you anything and leaving you with no accreditation, no skills and no idea how the industry works. I was depressed for years after this and am only now recovering from it


I love how at the beginning of the video I thought "I always do pose to pose" and felt kinda bad about it, but watching all the other workflows I realized that I've probably used every of these workflows before and that it really just depends on the shot I'm animating haha! :)
This video is great, thank you so much for taking the time to make it!


Videos like these make me appreciate my school. Within the first month of animation I learned different workflows and how most animators have their own methods and there is no sure fire way to do things


The led light cord in Wade's room background looks like a curve with all keyframes selected.


Layered approach makes sense for me! I'm methodical in animation that's why I love the graph editor


As someone in the second year of animation uni who feels like they're falling behind compared to their classmates, these videos help me out so much. Thank you for these videos :')


This was enlightening! I did some of these naturally / on accident and never knew there are different approaches. Thank you so much!


My animation school let me down, but now I kind of got it in control; I found my main sources for good animation tips. I found discord groups where I can get feedback from other animators. But one thing that I really wish for is to have a mentor. Somebody to guide me through this, because figuring this stuff out on my own is quite time consuming.


My teacher from the Lafilm school taught me a good workflow! When we're in key poses, we should just do them all in the first frames. Then, while in step, we move the poses around until the timing feels right, and then we put in our in-betweens! In my latest portfolio project I worked in layered while my first portfolio project I worked pose to pose! You've given such a great explanation for everything in this video!


I'm in an amazing college (uk) were my teachers tech me illustration and animation, and they do teach us the 12 principals of animation, and different workflows, including first creating an animatic in AE

but they didn't teach everything you said in the video. everything is very helpful! thanks a lot!


I finished watching, i closed YouTube, then came back like noooo, no no no, i have to show appreciation. Thanks so so much for this, this is gold, subscribed (surprised i wasn’t subscribed already)


When you explained "Layered" it was such a AHA moment because it made so much sense. Almost like secondary actions and so on. For some reason it just clicked so much watching the ball example.


I use a lot of those workflows combined in different ways, depending on the shot or the kind of animation I'm doing. There is only one that I have never thought about which is this one you called "extremes". It made me very excited to try it.


really great video! brilliant exposition on workflow - by far the best ive seen. Should show all incubator animators this video when they set out - the only rules are....there are no rules! Horses for courses. Keep up the great work Sir Wade!


work flow is so important, through hard knocks and just determination it takes almost making a 3d animation film from start to finish to get it
and then you find out im a jack of all trades and a master of none, very much a awaking experience animation is a beast in and of itself but thank you for your dedication to stick to being a true masterful animator thank you guess ill keep trying to master it all though being a film maker and musician
learning so much from you although my animation haha sucks but oh well


Whoa, I realized my workflow is a mixture of all of them, no wonder I'm a mess. XD
I'm very curious about the Extremes one, it's kinda fascinating! I hope there will be 1-2 videos more on that, although I do get the gist of what you mean. I find it the best out of all the methods as of now.
Thank you so much, Sir Wade! :D


I think you put a lot of effort, time and mind into this video sir wade, Really magnificent work
