Is CSS Battle a bad influence on CSS?

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Рекомендации по теме

Huge respect for Kevin Powell. He made me love CSS.


Thank you for this wonderful analysis video Kevin! 🙇🏼‍♂️ Definitely a must-watch for every CSSBattle player! 👍🏼


For a newbie like me it gets overwhelming, but on the flip side it shows me how much I need to learn to sharpen my CSS skills so in the end it's all positive


Recent subscriber and front-end dev here! I have been binging all these videos and they are amazing! Much appreciated Kevin!


CSS battle is like Photoshop or illustrator battles. Always fun and catchy


Definitely been (re)learning css and the like front and mostly back focused recently but I have some opportunities to grow my knowledge further than before CSS3 wowee and even the stuff on the horizon. Last time I touched CSS this was all a hopeful pipe dream. Never been easier to learn. Especially to learn/refine a CSS3 tidbit. CSS Battle is something I’m so happy you talked about it! I certainly would love the challenge and definitely will be a learning tool of its own as I continue my own education. Thank you!


I found out about CSS battle thanks to Kevin and Kyle. It was a few weeks ago, it was also the first time I got to know Kevin. Before I had disliked CSS because it was so hard for me to use, so I started trying to solve those CSS battles together with watching Kevin's videos everyday for at least one hour and what can i say,'s been only two-three weeks and my skills have improved so much!!! Kevin you do make people love CSS. I am no longer frustrated by it


Very good analysis Kevin! Top 30 in CSS Battles here.

I have learnt so much with CSS Battles, like so much, I only can say thank you to the creators of it.

Disclaimer: I am a backend developer and I do not do cool CSS at all at work, and CSS battle gives me the chance to push myself in new stuff


After watching your battles, i started doing them myself. i've just started on the JS part of my course, so i'm not doing a lot of html/css atm.
I love just sitting down with a few of the battles every day to kinda just do something for repetition training. Not really counting points except getting the 100%.

Its like running on a threadmill to prepare for a marathon - its no the same, but you exercise many of the same muscles... only thing is that threadmills make me wanna cry of boredom


I think the scoring is a problem, because it encourages sloppy code and bad practices like poor class names. But, totally agree that you can learn so much from trying to complete the challenges (cleanly).


I see these battles as incredibly useful... They are helping me develop my understanding of CSS and if I could develop arbitrary objects with only css like you can, I can at least say I am good at it... thank you for your channel.


Thanks Kevin. I'm just starting with CSS, your videos are perfect guide for us.


I'm new to CSS and stuff. I've been having a lot of fun with it. I know a lot of it isn't realistic and when I do it I actually tell myself "Okay, I'm taking a shortcut here to get a better score I think* the best way to actually write this is ...." (* since I'm a beginner I don't ACTUALLY know if it's the best way, but you know. I make sure to make a note of it for myself. =P)


This Channel. Right here. Is the BEST CSS channel. Change my mind.


04:34 am going to bed, hmmm 🤔 let's see what Kevin Powell doing, man we love what you did to CSS 😂👌.


When using it as a learning tool to real-world designs it might make it an issue. But I have had cssbattle help me so much develop certain contained skills


I started writing a rant on this, but it later turned into two different, positive articles: one analysing the top solutions and another exploring the ways to get the most out of CSS Battle. I believe the _house rules_ that you use in the battles, trying to achieve 100% in 10 minutes or less, is a much better approach than the standard push for fewer chars. But there's something to learn even from those hacks.


The CSS challenges and your normal CSS videos are two different things. It sort of reminds me of the haute couture fashion shows. The clothes they produce are totally impractical but by going all-out without being restricted by 'sensible' ideas, designers can stumble upon some great ideas.


Actually I know about CSSbattle site because of you, and I really like working there, it's really a good way to practice and improvement....
Thank you for sharing with us


I think if the challenges were tuned to encourage certain CSS properties to be exercised they could be more generally helpful. For example, not allowing the HTML markup to change so you're forced to experiment with before and after pseudo-selectors. The only real detriment I've seen with existing challenges is giving total flexibility to the markup encourages some pretty sloppy HTML. That "by any means necessary" mentality is why there's so many brittle/inaccessible frontend layouts; because a web developer was too eager to satisfy a design supplied to them by a designer with no understanding of the web instead of working within limitations and pushing back on the design.
