Friend Code: Reggie Fils-Aimé Retires

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Huber and Bosman join the panel to say farewell to outgoing Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime, worry about the well being of Masahiro Sakurai, and wonder why Capcom is charging more for the upcoming Resident Evil Switch ports.

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Sakurai doesn't work For Fun, he works For Glory.


Personally the 3DS/Wii U was my favorite era of Nintendo since the 8 and 16 bit era. So many amazing games.

Honestly I get really salty when people have the audacity to shit on the Wii U and then beg for every Wii U game to get ported to the Switch, but I guess I'm also glad they get another chance to shine and for more people to enjoy them. I still have to roll my eyes sometimes though.


I recently played and beat the two Turok remasters on PC and they both definitely still hold up (2 especially). I originally played both of them on N64 (in addition to Rage Wars and 3), but never beat any of them because I couldnt find all the level keys to progress. Ended up using cheats to fight all the bosses, unlock all the guns, and try all the levels out anyway, so it wasnt too big of a deal at the time. Nightdive studios did a great job of cleaning up the graphics and updating the UI to add mouse/keyboard and controller support. It also ran great (60fps constantly) and I never once experienced a crash or bug/glitch. These are seriously really great games if you like simple, fun shooting with crazy guns and dinosaurs.


Thank goodness Easy Ailes are still doing a video cast. IGN stopped and sent audio only please don’t follow suit. I love watching the video cast thank you


2 Favourite Reggie moments for me:
1) The opening speech he had at E3 2007 (the first E3 of the Wii era), where Reggie made a fantastic point about why videogames unlike movies or books are not for everyone, and Nintendo's goal with Wii to change that perception and i was so impressed because i had never thought about that possibility, making videogames appealing to my grandma, and i've to say they almost did it at first (then it all became a bit too shovelware), Wii Sports and Wii Fit felt that Nintendo quality applied to casual games, and to this day i believe some of those ideas would still work: Wii Fit would still work today bundled with a wearable and a smartphone app maybe, or think about Brain Age.
2) Reggie exposing his love for Dragon Quest showing the playtime of Dragon Quest IX on his Nintendo DSi XL and it was more than 200 hours.


You guys should do special episodes (on slow news week? or build up to E3)where you rewatch Nintendo's old conferences from E3. Love to see those reactions to 2003 and 2004s.


Yooo, my first time getting a video early as a patron.


"It's the healthiest thing in the world baby, it's an IV drip ! " lmao Bosman


That is so ridiculous. Reminds me of the joke going around the internet a few years back-
Water - $1.79
Ingredients: Water

Soda - $0.65
Ingredients: Carbonated WATER, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Caramel Color, Caffeine

It's honestly the bottle that is the most costly "ingredient". Fountain soda (and by extension, water from a fountain machine) is dirt cheap; that's where convenience stores make all their profit. They only make like a cent on each canned/bottled soda they sell out of the fridge.


1:15:27 pretty major philosophical and moral question I've been pondering since watching this essentially happen between Walt and Jesse in Breaking Bad: is it wrong to try to control/manipulate someone you care for if they are being self-destructive?

If Sakurai's family/friends/team can't convince him to have a work/life balance that allows him time to go to the doctor, should they essentially trick or force him to spend less time at the office?
In high school we had a teacher who was very dedicated to his job - from what I could tell his job was his whole identity, he didn't have any family - but he had some life-threatening health problems developing from a life-time of smoking. People begged him to get some treatment instead of coming to school as it progressed. Eventually, the receptionist locked the door when he tried to come in one day to force him to take care of himself. He died just a few weeks later at the hospital.


There is a huge difference in emulating hardware to run older games without having access to neither the documentation of the chipset nor the sources of the games and porting an old game to a new hardware - even if different.
At some point the memory constraints got so "relaxed" that only a few very performance critical parts were written in assembler while the rest was coded in C, C++ etc. . Also at some point in time the developers were able to use graphics/sound libraries who do provide some level of abstraction too which makes porting games easier too (given that the sources are available).
Also not to forget: those ports aren't done by the "AAA teams". There are no development costs for the design, gameplay etc. anymore.
Of course they charge what they can - but I guess that Capcom doesn't recognize that many people want RE4 on a cartridge for nostalgia reasons... .


Koizumi last game as a director was Mario Galaxy. Kenta Motokura was the director in Mario Odyssey


Correction:Re remake and 0 are also on ps3.

Also pretty surprised my under powered pc could play remake on pc at 1080p 60fps yet PS4 is only 30fps.


I think it's great that you do extra episodes when something important happens but maybe it would be a good idea to brand these episodes differently to avoid confusion? Like "Bonus Friend Code" or "Friend Code Special" or something (special thumbnail, special playlist).


I am with Huber! Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles are great and very underated!


Damiani imo has become so much more fun, and his personality now is making me like his segments more than Bosmans podcast now. However, Bens Noodles and Broth persona will always be the greatest. LOVE & RESPECT allies


With the Sakuari thing I really think its his own choice, as crazy at is, he just seems to be so devoted to his work that he makes this choice.

He probably needs to delegate more, but as Kyle said perhapd he prefers to do it himself


Nightdive studios acquires the rights to old abandoned video game franchises and re-releases them on Steam and modern consoles. as an example they acquired the rights for and re-released the System Shock franchise and all of the Humongous Entertainment games. Turok 2 Seeds of Evil was released on Steam in 2017, Xbox One in 2018, and it will be released on Switch later this year.


I heard that some big company approached Sakurai and offered to give him a studio and basically a blank check to make them a game. He declined.


Just my two cents: I totally agree with kyle with remaster pricing being not that expensive all things considered. A lot of work goes into these things even though it may not look like it. It could seem like features such as time speed up, disabling random encounters, etc should be easy to implement and don't warrant the higher price tag but every new addition requires a lot of work. Think about the QA testing, potential sequence breaking or even game breaking bugs that could pop up. How about the work needed in moving to a newer version of whatever coding language was used, and the time needed to go back to the code and even figure out what it does (since the new porting team probably never even worked on the original). I've personally experienced many times where I needed to pick up someone else's code and spent a huge chunk of time just making sure I understand what they've written, and that's with good documentation and comments. I do think that considering the Switch is a hot console, a huge audience of gamers have never played the originals before, these prices aren't exactly highway robbery. If they were say $70 for a PS2 final fantasy game, then I would argue that's too much.

Another thing to consider is how making games has changed. (NOTE just to be clear I'm not a game developer) Just consider that games in the past used to be in the 10s to 100s of thousands of lines of code. That's thousands of man hours checking, debugging, porting, etc. I don't work directly in the gaming industry but these days with modern gaming engines, I assume a lot of the back end if offloaded to the engine and no extra code needs to be written (things like text rendering: try moving an in-house text rendering engine to a modern day gaming engine and see if that doesn't break a few things). So the 'classic games argument' where Damiani was saying shouldn't be so hard to port, I could easily imagine being the opposite, where it would be HARDER simply because the systems/engines/standards in place at the time were so different and can't just be copy and pasted.

So now imagine you need to take a antiquated code base for a game where everything is hard coded, with no modern day game engine equivalent, and move it to a new generation of hardware and have it be sold for ONLY $20-$30 online. I'd say personally just having the game available on the go on a convenient device I can play now is worth the cost of entry.
