2018-0520 Chemo-radiation

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Sorry it's been so long since my last update. I had 2 weeks of a break with no treatment after I finished my 1st round of chemo and I enjoyed quite a bit of family time before starting the next round of treatment of radiation and chemotherapy.

I started radiation on Tuesday, May 8th, a total of 33 treatments to go through. At the same time I am getting chemo weekly on Tuesdays. Cisplatin is the chemo drug that I am getting, it's very common to treat people with cancer and it's bit exhausting because this drug's side effects is mainly dryness. I will have to maintain my 100 oz of water a day just to keep up with both the radiation and chemotherapy, most commonly know as chemoradiation therapy.

The 1st week of radiation was not bad and none of it hurts while I am getting the radiation treatment. The 2nd week, on the 8th treatment, however, I am feeling a bit of the side effect of dry mouth and after the 9th treatment, I am getting the sore throat. It's hard to swallow some of the food, I just want to have everything moist (like soaked with gravy) before I even attempt to swallow the food in my mouth down the throat. Things have changed a bit. I am even more fatigued and some days struggles to eat due to no appetite from the sore throat/dry mouth. Through all of this I still remain positive and continues to try to do what I can with what energy I got. I have still been working this whole time minus time off for treatment.

My last radiation treatment should be June 22nd if all goes well and no need for a break.
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Its going to be a difficult time but we know you will make it... i know how it will be, its very important to keep your immunsystem strong. At some point you wont be able to eat.. i highly recommend you a peg Tube... but just get it done before you start feeling very bad.. you will be feeling very bad but please remember it wont stay like this for ever!! Your dry mounth wont stay for ever dry ( allthough doctors say it will) after one year you will be fine
