Shy Sings◆Undertale Red; Dummy{Attica Kish ver.}【Undertale Red】

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Fun Fact! When a video has likes, but zero views, it's because people hit like on the video before actually finishing the video! Views are only registered when the video is watched in its entirety!

I know I said I wouldn't do this song, and I really didn't want to per say, but it was on really high demand-
But I'm not doing anything else with this AU-
I'm not a big fan of it-

Also on the "fills with a strike path" part, I had to take out the word "fills" cause there was zero way I was singing that x'D
I left it in the written lyrics, I just put parenthesis around them.

◆Cover Credits◆
✖Image(s): ShySiesta
✖Vocals: ShySiesta

We're not friends
we're never gonna be,

So just FIGHT
or run away from me.

Why do you keep telling jokes to me?
Your Priorities are screwy!

Do you think
I'm playing games with you?

What do you think
That I'm gonna do?

Why do you continue to refuse?
Sparing me won't help you survive.

They're all barking
yipping endlessly,

About the new friend
they met today.

I think that it's all so sickening
like they don't expect what's coming.

You are not
a normal enemy,

that is clear
as far as I have seen.

You are nice to everyone you meet.
That's what everybody told me.

That joke you told me made me laugh.


No matter what,

I won't let you
trick me into giving up.

It is a feeling that I can't trust,
that I will not trust,
that I will not trust.

You're s'posed to oppose us,
You will oppose us,
You are supposed to fight us.


Give it a rest!

Sweet kid, you don't
make even a lick of sense.

Although you know your life's in danger,
you are in danger,
you are in danger.

Why do you just stand there?
Why do you stand there?
Why are you standing there, then?

of the human souls
that have fallen down
to the underground

They are all the same
in their final fate
which you too will face
whether by my hand or another's

If it's me
I will do it fast
for I understand
what has got to pass

I will steel my heart
I'm a royal guard
with my trusty sword
I will strike you down into pieces.

Breaking, it's breaking
it's all so, exhausting
why is this? You're obsessed.
you're selfish and obsessed.
I hate you, I have to.
I hate this
I hate this

because for a human,
you seem like a nice kid.

But your fate is to die down here
to set free all of us monsters
the way all of it went before
And with you, it is just once more
so even if we're friends
I can only see one end
For us all here in the kingdom
for us all under the mountain

you will die.

I may tremble,
but I won't give in.

You've got to
FIGHT so much harder, kid.

At least take a swing at me, I guess?
Why is this so hard a concept?

Making friends
is cruel of you because.

They'll all be
heartbroken when you're gone.

Not to mention when you don't attack
your risking yourself for nothing.

Evidently, you never give up because you care so much-


What's wrong with you!?

Do you want to
see me have to skewer you!?

It is a feeling that I can't trust,
that I will not trust,
that I will not trust.

Why!? Why won't you fight us?
You are to fight us,
You are supposed to fight us!

Just go and die!

Bombs and sword tricks,
No matter how hard I try

Although the screen fills with my strike path
(fills) with a strike path
(fills) with a strike path

Still, you have not died yet
you haven't died yet,
I never wanted you dead

it never ends

I believed you
when you said "we can be friends"

But if it's you it won't end well
it never ends well
it never ends well

I wish you had not fell
I wish you never fell
I wish you never fell down.

Get out of my way!

I don't want to
have to strike you down, okay!?

I don't think I can take this
I cannot take this
I cannot take this

I feel so exhausted
I am exhausted
and I'm about to give in

◆Contact me◆
✖Undertale Amino: ShySiesta♡
✖MAP Amino: ShySiesta♡
✖Arts & OCs Amino: ShySiesta♡
Рекомендации по теме

Before asking for more red, pls read the description! :0


I can't help but find your voice very fitting for Red ^_^


"sweet kid who doesnt make a lick of sense"

squints at discord


ooo this is super nice with your voice


3:24 at first I thought she said *"I'll take sprinkles with my striked path"*


That's Right, I liked the video before i watch because i know that its Shy, And she always do AMAZING workd :D


3:13-3:17 are u okay shy?😂
"Active the subtitles"


I don't remember if I commented on this one, I know I saw it ^ ^; but in case I didn't I want to let you know that it's amazing ;w; especially for me since I was only really happy with the lyrics I did on the first half of this but you carried it through beautifully. Sorry that it came because of people badgering you though, that's not cool D:


Each vid's worth the wait! Theyre all so good!! Shy you have an amazing voice!!


this is so great I love the vibe of it I just.... THIS IS SO GOOD I'M CRYING


This is really well done Shy.12/10 I really like the drawing as well. And top tips with Shy in the description


I remember trying to do this one for forever, and now I know what it sounds like being sung. I love it ^v^


"they are. . .
"your fate is to die down . . .
"I believe. . .
do anything"
~also subtitles.
see for yourselves


Rude baby red keeps on going. This is amazing~


So guys, I made a Polish translation
Starałam się do rytmu, może nawet wyszło 😐

Kumplem nie jestem
i nie będę nim
Tak więc walcz
lub ucieknij mi
Czemu żarty opowiadasz mi?
Te twoje sztuczki są krzywe
Czy myślisz, że pogrywam sobie?
Według ciebie co niby zrobię?
Czemu dalej uderzyć nie chcesz?
Oszczędzenie mnie nie pomoże

Tamci szczekają
Opowiadają sobie
O przyjacielu,
którego spotkali dziś
Dla mnie to wprost obrzydliwe.
Jakby nie wiedzieli co się stanie.
Nie jesteś zwykłym przeciwnikiem,
są na to niezbite dowody.
Jesteś miły dla każdego spotkanego.
Tak mówili o tobie wszyscy.
Ten żart był całkiem śmieszny...

Nie ważne co!
Nie pozwolę, byś wciągnął mnie w poddanie się!

Temu uczuciu nie zaufam.
Nie zaufam mu.
Nie zaufam mu.

Powinieneś być wrogiem!
Jesteś wrogiem!
Powinieneś nim być.

Daj spokój!
Słodkie dziecko,
nie widzę w tym krzty sensu.

Twoje życie wisi na włosku
Jest zagrożone
Jest zagrożone

Dlaczego więc tu stoisz?
Czemu stoisz?
Czemu od tak tu stoisz?

z waszych ludzkich dusz
które spadły tu
królestwa w podziemiu
Niczym nie różnią się
w przeznaczeniu swym
które dotknie cię
Z rąk moich lub czyiś

Jeśli mych
szybko zrobię to
bo zrozumiałam
co się musi stać

Utwardzę serce swe
strażnikiem jestem
Zaufanym ostrzem
Posiekaną cię na kawałeczki

Pęka, już pęka... wyczerpujące
Dlaczego? Maniaku
Samolubie, maniaku
Mam cię dość. Tak muszę.
Dość tego
Dość tego
Bo jak na
Dobre z ciebie

Lecz twym losem teraz umrzeć
By uwolnić stąd nas wszystkich
Tak jak to toczyliśmy,
z tobą wystarczy jeszcze raz
więc nawet jeśli przyjaźnimy się
oniec będzie taki sam
Dla nas wszystkich, tu pod górą
Dla nas wszystkich, tu w królestwie

Zginiesz tu


Mogę drżeć,
ale nie poddam się
Musisz walczyć
znacznie zażarciej
albo chociaż na mnie
zamach wziąć
Czemu to dla ciebie takie trudne?

Jesteś okrutny
znajdując sobie przyjaciół
Będą załamani gdy
odejdziesz stąd
Nie wspominając, że nie atakujesz
Ryzykujesz sobą po nic

Chyba że nie poddajesz sie, bo tak troszczysz się o mnie...

Co z tobą jest?!

Chcesz mnie zmusić
do przebicia szpadą cię?!

Temu uczuciu nie zaufam
Nie zaufam mu
Nie zaufam mu

Dlaczego nie walczysz?
No walcz ze mną!
Powinieneś walczyć

Po prostu zgiń!

Macham szpadą,
lecz nie ważne jak staram się!

Mimo że ekran wypełniają
Moje ataki
Moje ataki

A ty wciąż się trzymasz!
Nie umarłeś!
Nigdy nie chciałam cię zabić...

To wciąż
nie kończy się

Wierzyłam ci gdy powiedziałeś
"Zaprzyjaźnij my się"

Ale jeśli to ty, to się dobrze nie skończy
To się źle skończy
To zawsze się tak kończy

Chciałabym żebyś nie spadł
Żebyś nie spadł
Żebyś nigdy tu nie spadł

Zejdź mi już z drogi!

Nie chcę musieć
przebijać się okej?!

Chyba bym tego nie zniosła
Nie zniosę tego
Nie zniosę tego jestem wykończona
Chyba muszę się poddać...


Oh my lord, I don't know what I was expecting but nothing I could've thought of would be better than this! You really outdid yourself Shy! Great work!


**Lé gasp!** You actually did it, I was hoping you would! Awesome singing as usual, Shy! You inspire me so much with art! :D (Also, I apologize that you didn't want to do it. It sucks that you kinda forced yourself to do this... I hope you feel better soon as well)


I haven't heard of the song before, but I'm glad you took the request of your fans because this was great, and so are you! Thanks again Shy! ^_^


I know you said you didn’t want to do this song, but I think you did an amazing job. This cover is beautiful and honestly it’s one of my favorites of yours.


This is amazing! I never thought I would see a lyrical rendition of Red's pacifist fight. Thank you for giving us this wonderful song!
