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These days of September, 2018, the Riemann Hypothesis has become more current than ever. Why? By the announcement that the mathematician Sir Michael Atiyah have presented the solution to it at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF).

I have prepared this extra chapter to comment, for its actuality, the proof presented by Sir Michael Atiyah, last Monday, September 24, 2018.

This chapter is between chapters 2 and 3 of the series of videos dedicated to the Riemann Hypothesis. And I take this opportunity to remind you that you can subscribe to my channel entitled "The Riemann Hypothesis and the secret of prime numbers".

Well, in spite of the multiple technical problems in the HLF video streaming, everyone interested in the Atiyah's conference could see his dissertation.

The first thing that surprised me was that Mr. Atiyah dedicated practically all the time (a total of 45 min) to introduce the Riemann hypothesis, making a historical tour. And he only dedicated a few minutes to presenting what, for him, was the proof of this problem.

Sir Michael Atiyah, born in Hampstead in 1929, is an excellent mathematician, although certainly somewhat old. In Internet you will find all the information of interest about his career, developed almost all in Britain, with stays of some years in the USA. He has the two most important awards that a mathematician can receive: the Fields Medal, awarded in 1966, and the Abel Prize, in 2004, jointly with Isadore Singer.

He has many honors and medals, such as the Copley Medal, and the Benjamin Franklin Medal. And a lot of published papers. Therefore, Sir Michael Atiyah, is considered one of the great mathematicians of the twentieth century.

Of course, when a mathematician of this prestige announces that he is going to present a proof of the Riemann hypothesis, we must attend to what he says, with the greatest interest and expectation. And, if the way to announce it is through the expression ‘simple proof’, with even greater interest ....
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The link is ch = (2*3.14) * gm^2, ch is inverse of fine structure constant 1/137.036 = 1/ch*(e^2/(2*8.85*10^-12)), 3.14 from sum of zero -e^(3.14*i) =1, 2 from it's imagine function.(c, h, g, m, e are 299792458, 6.626*10^-34, 6.674*10^-34, 2.17*10^-8, 1.6*10^-19)


I appreciate the video, thanks for the explanation.


Great video! Keep up the good work, although you could improve on the cuts.
