Fastest Tire Repair Kit

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Vacuum tire repair nail kit demonstration. This handy tubeless tire repair kit is designed for emergency puncture repairs on cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. This small tire repair screw is for repairing a 1mm to 3mm hole and the larger size screw is for repairing 3mm to 5mm holes. Use the small one if your car or motorcycle tire is punctured with a small & thin nail. If the nail is larger, then use the bigger size. In this video I am only demonstrating how to use the repair kit. I am not endorsing or recommending the use of the kit as a permanent tire repair.


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I have been doing this for years. I worked construction and we would constantly get nails in our tires. A #8 x 1 flathead screw and polyurethane caulk. Coat the screw with the caulk and sink the screw to the bottom of the tread. Bing, bang, boom. I called it a carpenter's tire plug. Had 7 to 10 screws in my tires when I had them finally replaced due to normal wear and milage. I would still get 70 to 80, 000 miles out of a set of tires. The tire guy would just scratch his head and laugh.


some mechanic will be like, dude, you got a screw in your tire...


But where is the camera man inside the tyre? We wanna know the inside conditions for research


I once had my donut spare shred apart immediately, just before I got home. It was night, no repair shops open.
I removed nail and replaced with thin smooth almost flat head screw. Got me to repair shop 2 days later. No shops open Sundays where I live.
I've since replaced spare with full size steel rim tire from junkyard, and have plug kit, just in case.
Remember to check air in spare.
I once helped lady at work cuz she had flat tire. She had been waiting over an hour, tow truck never showed up. It was 3:30 am. When she called them back they said they could tow her car but she could not ride along, too many charges filed.
I replaced tire, and spare was flat too. I remove it and drove a mile to nearest gas station to air up spare.
She made it home ok.


This actually works! Im on 2 weeks. Highway. No air lost


For some people, this is a permanent repair


Makes no sense a coated glue screw but then again I have a regular screw in my tire for months now with no leaks🤔


you shoud screw it more deep brother, or a after some time it will hit the road and damage your tire


Looks like a suppository. Are you sure its for plugging up a tire?


This looks pretty solid especially with the water activated glue


Take the nail replace with screw. Lmao


Would have accepted if screw was made of same rubber compound as that of tyre bit pn harder side special headnof screww . Using ribber compund adhesive shoudl libricate it enough to make it easy screwing withount deforming the rubber screw


Bought this on temu for a dollar months ago. Finally got to use it yesterday. 200 miles later it's still doesn't leak but i noticed a slight wobble started im not sure
sure if it's from this thing


Can't accept the screw on my tires 🤣


Stops nail hole punctures huh 🤷🏼‍♂️ but what about screw hole punctures?


rubber-coated metal screw will work, but- must be fatter than the nail that was causing the flat...otherwise the threads of the repair screw will not " bite" the rubber tire to properly seal.


I have some. From the tire shoo the owner show me how use this is very good idea


Ótimo vou comprar chega de pagar 20 sendo que fica por 1.


Won't the head eventually erode, and you'll be stuck with a flat again?


What is the brand and where can I purchase this?
