Running an engine on homemade hydrogen

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In this video we try to run a small engine on hydrogen produced by a homemade generator. It almost ran for a couple of seconds but we just couldn't get it working.

we think the generator just isn't producing engough Hydrogen to keep the engine running. Also the flashback is a problem. our diy flash arrestor worked for a while but then failed in the end as well. blowing up another bubbler.

If anyone has suggestions on how to improve this, please leave a comment.
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Hydrogen burns 8 times faster than fuel/air mix, so adjust timing of spark plug to fire just past highest point of piston stroke. Also it'll need a little water vapor in the piston chamber to stop it getting to hot. Also try pulsing your electric current (try different frequencies) so you use less battery power.


Small engines have a "waste spark" in the ignition cycle. You can only have spark during the power stroke. Any spark in between the exhaust and intake stroke will result in exactly what happened.


I saw a similar project on this. Engine requires different timing as hho ignited quicker than gasoline and when it does the intake valve is still open.


Love all the support this guy got in the comments.


A reservoir(max 1l) that is filled by a generator(reservoir located after bubbler)as well as a fuel or air filter after the bubbler to avoid issues with water in the air/fuel mix. Just a couple ideas, you also my want your spark a little later, seeing as hydrogen is less stable your containers are most likely blowing up because the spark is happening too soon and reversing the engine, causing the intake to open. Adjusting the engine so that it sparks later should make it work. This way, the fuel is being ignited when the piston reaches TDC rather than ignited before(gas is ignited right before TDC) this should cause your engine to run correctly. I don't know any good way to change spark Timing though. You may be able to make a metal mount that moves the magneto slightly in the direction the engine is intended to run, and adjust it so that it sparks slightly later each time until it runs. Let me know if you misunderstand anything, or if you get it working.


by electrolyzing water you get a very explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. For example, you get pure hydrogen by reacting sodium hydroxide and aluminum, then it will not explode inside because there will be no oxygen


Great Video!!
This should have been in standard production for everyone 40 years ago


Your "safe start system" is epic!! Good work!


The number of cells is for efficiency BTW. It allows for 22 to 26 volts to give a larger volume of gas under Same conditions you have.
Just modify the electrolysis cell to separate the gasses.
2 500 ml containers with two 5×20cm electrodes will do the the job if you use two for anode and two for cathode.
The more electrodes used, the more efficient the cell.
I would use 100 square cm plates (5×10) to provide a better reduction in resistance.


I think you should seperate hydrogen gas first & then supply the gas with required burning capacity or put more setups of electrolysis to seperate enough gas for

Hats off to your dedication towards science


Too funny. I have a dual fuel generator; unleaded and propane. Would converting the propane to hydrogen be easier than unleaded to hydrogen. Also, you've already been schooled on the flashback suppressors, but another must for your trials is to get rid of the wet-cell setup...way to dangerous. You can build a nice dry-cell, or buy one: WAY safer, very portable, and easily integrated into permanent setup if you get it running. You also can tailor the size of your dry-cell to the necessary fuel requirements of your generator. Thanks for the video, Stay safe!


hydrogen is fuel not air, you have to fog it or injected into the airstream, fogging is easiest, prevent flash back with the oneway valve and a spark arrestor(steel wool in a tube)...I only blew up my generator once but it was awsome


great video ! i love it. you can relocate the ignition coil mount so it fires at zero degrees TDC, and you can make sure the intake valve is seating properly. you can add a flashback arrestor or several. you can add a blow off valve or baloon so if it does blow, it will just pop the valve or the baloon, instead of wrecking your bubbler. awesome video good work thumbs up!


You also want A pressure sensor at least in the main chamber controlled by micro controller to vary the voltage on the plates as the pressure builds


Maybe this will help,

1.Hydrogen Purity Analyzers - To ensure the Hydrogen is not flammable. (note less than 97% it will become flammable like in your video).
2.Compressor (Air Vacuum Pump) - To remove air & other impurities from gas cylinder so you can store pure hydrogen & also be able to compress the hydrogen.
3.Gas Cylinder (Small)


Its called a valve. you need to put one between the engine and the hydrogen generator


One way to store the hydrogen, just cool it down -253 degrees Celsius, it will turn into a liquid that you can store in your gaz bottle. When you're ready you can release it bit by bit.


You might need a flashback arrestor and maybe a stronger generator? I'd love to see a follow up video!


Have you changed the timing closer to TDC? If not, do so, it should prevent the intake igniting in an untimely manner.


I'm not sure how much luck people have with just using hydrogen instead of gas but I know that spark timing on gas engine is set to 8 to 10 degrees early on the stroke cuz there's a delay and I've heard that hydrogen combustion is instantaneous so u might be getting ignition before the intake valve has time to close completely
