Is the Cheaper L10 Pro Better Than the S6 MaxV at Avoiding Objects? Roborock Vs. Dreame!

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Both the Dreame L10 Pro and the Roborock S6 MaxV have their own spin on object avoidance. While the L10 Pro from Dreametech lacks many of the extra features of the S6 MaxV from Roborock it still has the same basic functionality of avoiding those things in your house that no robot vacuum should touch!

With the L10 Pro being from the same parent company as Roborock (Xiaomi) and costing hundreds less will it complete with the dual camera eyes of the MaxV?

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Thanks so much for the great video!
Poop avoidance: both passed.
Power cord and outlet: both passed.
Sneaker: both passed.
Single cable avoidance: S6 MaxV failed, L10 pass.
- 1:03, 1:05, and 1:06 the S6 MaxV ran over the cable which could be a problem.
- 1:14 S6 MaxV actually the sucked up the cable and dragged it behind it. This could jam the brush so I would call that a fail.
- 1:25 the L10 pushed around the cable with side brush.
-- This moved the object so it was no longer where it was detected which could cause it to be run over.
-- The L10 did avoid driving over the coil.
Multiple cables/bundle: both passed.

Glass: both bumped the glass so I would call both fails (although the L10 bumped it much less).


L10 did quite good. I got mine yesterday and will do some test as well.


For the less than $50 difference, I'd have the MaxV to get a more mature product with (probably) better support in parts and updates down the road.


The L 10 is better. Seems obvious to me...
