Food Safety Attorney Bill Marler Explains E. coli O157 and HUS Video

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E. coli O157:H7 produces a toxin when it's in the human body that is excreted from the bacteria and if it enters the bloodstream can cause severe, severe illness. The normal illness that can be ascribed to E. coli O157 is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, or HUS and that has caused untold deaths and severe illness in the United States and frankly, throughout the world.

Where is E. coli O157:H7? It is everywhere. It used to be thought of -- primarily still is -- as a reservoir in cattle, but we've been finding it in buffalo, sheep, goats, deer -- they even found it in a trout in a lake. These are bacteria that are fecal in origin, that come from animals other than us, and in our body...our body doesn't tolerate them.

E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks can kill. E. coli and other bacteria are especially dangerous to the young and the elderly. Because in the young their immune system is not fully developed, and in the elderly their immune system has been compromised.

What are the symptoms? E. coli O157 symptoms are pretty classic. Three to four days after the ingestion of the bacteria it's cramping that'll then turn to bloody diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea is a hallmark of E. coli O157:H7 infection. Most people recover. Some ninety percent of the people within ten days will start to get better, but it's a very horrible experience, and very painful. Five to ten percent of people will go on to develop complications that may require hospitalization, and then a percentage of them will go on to develop acute kidney failure and unfortunately sometimes death.

How to avoid E. coli O157:H7 poisoning: For consumers, paying attention to where you're buying your food. Handling it properly and cooking it thoroughly is the best thing you can do to protect your family. To think about the risky products that are out there - sprouts, hamburger, raw milk, leafy greens - things that have caused illness in the past. Make sure that if you're going to use those products, and some of them frankly I don't think you should -- but if you're going to use those products that you take extreme caution.

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