I Should Have DNF'd These Books

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Chatting through some books that I should have given up on as they are not for me.

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I’ve been DNFing soooo much this year and it’s a game changer haha I used to hate doing it and now I love it because im getting to read more books that I LOVE! But yes omg I agree with rage of dragons !!!


There's always this hope that it will get better, right? That keeps us going longer than we need to, but honestly, I just need to quit whenever I stop having some sense of enjoyment, at least. Quitting boring books means more quality reading time, right??


Good to know about Where Dreams Descend/When Night Breaks. I've grown out of YA too but was tempted to keep it on my tbr just because of the circus setting. It sounds like it wouldn't be an impactful read though so I'm taking it off now.


Hi 👋 i think 💭 you should reads the books make you happy!! I’ve DNFs a lot of books this year too.. happy reading to you!! 😊🦋🎬🎥


This was great hearing your thought process here. I also struggle with giving up on.

I am struggling with a couple right now. Both series, but maybe I need to switch abd pick up again. I am blanming Hobb due to Shio ofagic being incredible!


I agree with you so much on Leviathan Wakes!!! I wanted to like it so badly and honestly I probably should've DNF'd it too -- I did end up giving it 3.5 (I think) because of the engaging plot and mystery, but in terms of impact on me.... I have literally no desire to continue the series


The fake news of dragons 😂😂

I DNF’d Leviathan Wakes. I just…couldn’t 🙃 I heard watching the tv show could help with getting into it, but who has time for that?!

Dune…uuuggghhh. I was lost until I just had to walk away 😂


Eeekkk! So cool to see other people doing this. Leviathan Wakes hurts me though LOL. I will say book 1 was just okay. 2 for me was the best. AND YES BONE SHIPS. I can't believe I forgot that one. The end made me want to chunk the book.


I'm a big believer in DNFing. I've done like 4-5 this year. A book has 50 pages or 10% if audio to grab me. If not, it's gone. Most recently was A Long Petal of the Sea by Isabel Allende. Heavy on the historical, light on the characters. And I like when characters drive a plot along.


I think I have a similar reading taste to yours, at least when it comes to not liking certain books lol - I have very similar feelings on Dune (loved the first half, was tremendously bored and disappointed by the second), am very lukeworm on Red Rising (dnf'd 3rd book) and am actually now quite worried about picking up The Left Hand of Darkness. I've started it previously but found the prose very dry and it didn't engage me but I want to try again.
Anyway, good luck finding more books that you'll love!


I struggle so much with DNFing but it can be so easy to see the ones that should've been dumped once you've finished them! A fair few books on my tbr here so wish me luck and hope I have different tastes to you lol


I'm like you. Generally pick up books I like/love, but horrible at DNFing if I'm not liking it.


I'm definitely big on DNF'ing, although I've been pretty lucky this year so far that I really haven't had to. Like I've read some mediocre books, but nothing I've regretted. That said, I'm planning on a reread of The Expanse series because I love it so much and I've been putting off the last book 😂


I have always struggled with DNFing books. But this year I have been trying to do better since I am reading a lot more books then I use to. There is just so many books I want to get to so I feel more inclined to DNF books that I am just not enjoying. It is still hard though as I wonder if it will get better.


I've been dnfing a lot lately which is rare for me. Most of them I still plan on picking back up, I just don't want to read thick heavy Fantasy books right now unless it's a re-read or a continuation/the books gradually get longer as the series progresses.


I am sure you heard this a lot, so I will just add my voice. Please give The Expanse TV show a chance (I haven't read the books).
I don't feel that I should have DNF TLHoD, but I was underwhelmed by it despite being someone who loves themes. But, I agree with you that it was very dry.
I usually DNF books frequently if I am not enjoying them unless they are very short. I think the longest book I finished despite disliking it was "The Night Circus".


I'm getting a bit better about DNFing books but I do still feel guilt about the 'wasted' investment


While I did absolutely love the first three Books of Babel, I do unfortunately agree about the weaker conclusion 😭 Petrik and I talked about it too hahah, but yeah that one really let me down compared to how much I loved it up to that point


Interesting topic! I should have DNFed "The Kite Runner". It started off depressing, the middle was depressing, and it ended on a depressing note. What a waste of my time!


Im about to DNF Leviathan Wakes. It makes no sense that I dont like this book but its a complete slog right now 60% through.
