Kim Kardashian’s real hair revealed… How to fix damaged hair!

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Can you please do an entire video dedicated to the OGX situation?? If it is misinformation I feel like they deserve someone sticking up for them, lol


The reason people think ogx makes their hair fall out is bc they're putting it on the scalp and the coconut is clogging the pores/follicles. Makes sense when you say that it's also a porosity equalizer lol but anyways it's clogging the follicles and causing the hair to fall out.


The best way to deal with this is to do a big chop you are comfortable with and treat your scalp as the hair you see is already dead and the hair cuticles are alive. Start with a great hydrating or detoxing scalp treatment after you cut for hair short as you hair grown start thinking about chemical and heat protecting routines to maintain the new healthy regrowth. Remember hair care is a dermatological matter so everyone has bigger ent needs depends on their scalp needs. I hope this help ✌️


Please inform us about the OGX misinformation <3 I would love to hear about it


finally something i have in commom with kim 😍


I think the coconut oil debate is the same issue with skincare. Don’t go the store and get something not formulated for hair. You aren’t a chemist, sis. The OGx is formulated for hair specifically and I’m sure the molecule size is taken into account by people who know far better than us.


This happened to me! I went to a new girl and she over-processed my hair, and it turned gummy and was breaking off. I went and had Olaplex 1&2 done in salon and then did 3 at home for a few weeks. This was before they even had 0, and it fixed my hair! I’ve heard both good and AWFUL reviews of K18 so I am going to avoid it since Olaplex works for me and is cheaper.


Please do not use coconut oil if you do not have coarse hair. Even if you only use it prior to shampooing the hair it will most likely be too thick and greasy for your hair and will either leave a greasy residue after shampooing or you will have to over shampoo the scalp and ends to remove the coconut oil from your midshaft. If you’re wanting to integrate oils into your washday routine I recommend talking to a licensed cosmetologist or trichologist who understands and works with all textured hair, which will usually be a curl specialist. You do not need to have curly hair to go to s curl specialist, they will have great tips on all hair types and textures and can give you advice on products and ingredients to avoid on your hair (bc of your density, texture, wave pattern, and porosity) that you might be using because you saw someone on social media recommending it. Consultations are not a waste of time as they help to prevent damage instead of trying products and treatments at home and going to a salon for long services to try fixing any possible mistakes made :)


I’m a cosmetology student so my primary focus is learning about and working with hair. I’m not sure how she uses these products as she didn’t specify so I’m just here to say use these in moderation NOT EVERY DAY/EVERY WASH. A lot of these bond maintenance products have protein in them and it is very possible and very easy to over protenize your hair. (Over protenizing your hair can cause it to break and fall off the same as if it was damaged). Please consult a beauty professional if your hair has gotten to this point so they can properly asses how bad the damage is and recommend the right products.. please do not run and drop $$$ on olaplaex. There are other protein products out there that are formulated far better than olaplex imo and are a nicer price tag. Again please consult a professional first so they can give you the right products and educate you properly on the routine that will work best for your hair… as far as coconut oil I’ve learned it’s not fantastic for your hair and it will clog the hair follicle if used excessively and can cause oil buildup. I could be wrong and I’m sure there’s more to the coconut oil product she’s using but it’s what I’ve been taught by my instructors. Hope this helps anyone struggling with hair health and clears things up! 😊


I've always learned that coconut oil molecules are too large to benefit the hair cuticle.


A amazing bonding oil that also works for me is Opaplex


I learned early in my studying of cosmetology that a solid 80% of Hollywood “hairstylist” are not licensed to do hair… and that is why her locks look that way. Looking back to season 1 of KUWTK her hair was so thick shiny and healthy… it’s a shame.


How could her hair be damaged when she has professional hair stylists on speed dial?!?


Ugh! Coconut oil just does NOT agree with my hair.


Thank you for clearing the OGX situation. I was just about to buy an expensive hair oil. Do you think the other hair oils by the brand are safe? Like the argan oil one?


She was platinum to white blonde for a long time, I could never understand how her hair didn't break off lol but I summed it up to money lol even as an average person I know when I go to a more expensive salon for my highlights whatever they do/use protects the hair so much more that I barely feel the damage.


Dude this is why its so bad to constantly use heat, hair dye, and hair extensions. It’s all a combination for disaster. I used to wear hair extensions and it was ripping my hair out. I’m glad to say that I wear my hair in it’s natural state and I’m better off doing that then manipulating it all the time.


my hair looked just like that 2 years ago and now it's healthy and shiny & grown 6 inches 😇


If I put oil on the ends of my hair before I wash it, how is it going to get all of the product build up and everything out of it? It seems like the oil would block some of the shampoos efficiency. Love your videos Abbey. ♥️


Hence why i only did the blonde stuff once and it took 5 years to get back to normal fully. My hair was crunchy lice rice crispies after a single hair appointment. 7 hours of bleaching & chopped 2ft off for their salon show thing. My hair was horrible for years after
