Cool Bug Facts & Other Insect Facts You Have To Know!

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When people think of insects and bugs, they usually think of the pests that eat their garden plants or the termites that ruin their furniture.
While insects and bugs can certainly be pests, there is so much more to these critters than just that. In fact, insects are one of the most fascinating species on Earth. Many of them look the same at first glance, but they all differ in their own unique ways.
If you’re interested in learning more about insects and bugs, keep on watching for 30 facts about these critters!
0:40 All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.
1:11 Despite their small size, bugs have very strong wings.
1:37 Like plants, some insects also need sunlight.
2:00 Bugs and insects can feel pain.
2:17 Bugs can fart.
2:32 To attract a mate, a stonefly performs push-ups.
3:04 Unlike most bugs, Aphids do not need a mate to reproduce.
3:35 Damselflies are one of the oldest species that still exist to this day.
4:06 Beetles have the largest population among all the species in the world.
4:32 Titan beetles are one of the largest beetle bugs ever.
5:01 The great diving beetle is an aquatic insect that hunts underwater.
5:33 Pill bugs, on the other hand, actually have gills.
5:59 The largest winged roach in the world is the Megaloblatta longipennis.
6:28 Goliath moths, on the other hand, are the largest moths in North America.
6:56 The rarest insect on Earth is the land lobster.
7:18 The largest flying insect in the world is the Hercules beetle.
7:47 The Asian Giant Hornet, on the other hand, is the largest hornet species.
8:15 Phylliidae bugs, or leaf bugs, look like walking leaves.
8:37 The Jerusalem Cricket cannot fly.
8:58 Devil bugs can be aggressive when they feel threatened.
9:25 Stink bugs also release a bad odor, but they are harmless.
9:52 Some ants can explode as a defense mechanism.
10:16 The Japanese beetle bug, on the other hand, lifts its legs to scare off predators.
10:40 Some insects can enter your ears and stay inside for days.
11:06 Houseflies vomit on their food before eating it.
11:27 Caterpillars have more muscles than humans.
11:56 While some insects are pests, ladybugs can help your garden grow.
12:27 Astronauts once brought ladybugs with them to space.
12:48 In some cultures, ladybugs symbolize luck and positivity.
13:16 Several cultures also believe that crickets bring forth good luck.
Don't miss the other AMAZING facts on our website:
When people think of insects and bugs, they usually think of the pests that eat their garden plants or the termites that ruin their furniture.
While insects and bugs can certainly be pests, there is so much more to these critters than just that. In fact, insects are one of the most fascinating species on Earth. Many of them look the same at first glance, but they all differ in their own unique ways.
If you’re interested in learning more about insects and bugs, keep on watching for 30 facts about these critters!
0:40 All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.
1:11 Despite their small size, bugs have very strong wings.
1:37 Like plants, some insects also need sunlight.
2:00 Bugs and insects can feel pain.
2:17 Bugs can fart.
2:32 To attract a mate, a stonefly performs push-ups.
3:04 Unlike most bugs, Aphids do not need a mate to reproduce.
3:35 Damselflies are one of the oldest species that still exist to this day.
4:06 Beetles have the largest population among all the species in the world.
4:32 Titan beetles are one of the largest beetle bugs ever.
5:01 The great diving beetle is an aquatic insect that hunts underwater.
5:33 Pill bugs, on the other hand, actually have gills.
5:59 The largest winged roach in the world is the Megaloblatta longipennis.
6:28 Goliath moths, on the other hand, are the largest moths in North America.
6:56 The rarest insect on Earth is the land lobster.
7:18 The largest flying insect in the world is the Hercules beetle.
7:47 The Asian Giant Hornet, on the other hand, is the largest hornet species.
8:15 Phylliidae bugs, or leaf bugs, look like walking leaves.
8:37 The Jerusalem Cricket cannot fly.
8:58 Devil bugs can be aggressive when they feel threatened.
9:25 Stink bugs also release a bad odor, but they are harmless.
9:52 Some ants can explode as a defense mechanism.
10:16 The Japanese beetle bug, on the other hand, lifts its legs to scare off predators.
10:40 Some insects can enter your ears and stay inside for days.
11:06 Houseflies vomit on their food before eating it.
11:27 Caterpillars have more muscles than humans.
11:56 While some insects are pests, ladybugs can help your garden grow.
12:27 Astronauts once brought ladybugs with them to space.
12:48 In some cultures, ladybugs symbolize luck and positivity.
13:16 Several cultures also believe that crickets bring forth good luck.
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