Concerned About Going To Hell - Do You Have Soul Contracts with God, Church, Lucifer, or Satan

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This earth realm is a hell realm would love to hear your take on it Rich


You are right about the agreement. religious beliefs systems are agreements that people make with them. And the sad thing is is that Christianity is one of the most darkest and most evil of them all to have an agreement with


Rich, glad to see you are still producing content. Been a long time follower. Wish you health and a long life brother. And keep it coming!


I will never have children in this Earth realm. Not worth bringing innoscent souls to this dark physical realm.


Earth could also be the Realm of the Dead as far as I'm concerned, just as the "The Walking Dead"


It would be interesting to hear your perspective of hell. Thanks!


I prefer videos that are not advertisement.


I always like to hear your opinion on this subject and what you have to say about hell


That means that criminals can get away with their crimes.
Anyone can hurt the rest without even being punished.
What that makes our life??? Chaotic Hell on earth.
The only revoking should be believing all false light workers.


Hi Rich, I have a serious entity problem that's been making me miserable for months. I'm really fed up of these entities. Could I send you an email please? I'm really lost.


Not many people realize this, Im actually surprised to hear it spoken on youtube.


I think there are agreements which we take from the collective unconscious and are passed along as agreement infliction which we don't even agree on a soul level but they are passed along through the unconscious like traumas which are being discharged through particular individuals without them actually agreeing. Scapegoat like it happened with Jesus Christ I mean the real Jesus. I think we play sacrifice for millennia and all because of the fear of hell.


Only Jesus Christ can reverse this contract. Salvation by grace through faith only ( Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Also Google salvation by faith alone for more Bible verses.


The Gospel: Christ died for our sins and rose again. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)


Rich you just keep wearing the breastplate of Truth for there's no bullshit that can go through the breastplate of Truth like taking a dull stick and slamming against Pure hard Steel. I seem to have a keen awareness that the god everybody worships and creates is really a i and it's been running this game for a long time.


Hell is only in the English version of the bible its not in the bibles its supposedly been translated from like the greek or Hebrew, in the earlier bibles places like hades, sheol, tartarus and Gehenna for some odd reason are all translated as hell in the English bible yet they have different meanings hades is the realm of the dead like an afterlife, sheol is just the grave, Gehenna is a geographical place it was a fiery landfill where rubbish was burnt in Jerusalem and tartarus (my favourite one) is a gloomy underworld from greek mythology where Zeus sent the Titans, So hell is a substituted word for these places, so theres no actual meaning for the word hell you could actually say it doesn't exist, at least not in the bible.
So that being said if you use the actual terms in the sentence am i going to hell when I die it becomes a joke, am I going to Gehenna when I die? some valley in Jerusalem? or will I bump into zeus and he will send me to tatarus? this isn't Christian teaching but its in the bible, in 2 peter 4 where it mentions hell if you look at the bottom of the page it does actualy say the word from greek is tartarus, if you ever feel lost in wonderland look behind the curtain.


no concerns in later chapters liven when vessels no longer contain the inner Spark, or the hell experienced on Hers, through masculinity's environment of bodies dying to get a break from hell we're born and placed into, to abusive or loving parents and lives to suffer through the onslaught of masks, opinions, and perceptions of others.. to find yourSelf, waiting for grounded opportunities in nature's surroundings to hug and kiss insides, and starting from that place... wondering, as children, before reaching out at others' inventions. perceptions, hells, and attachments cast off the subtle risings of dyings, leaving demons and misconceptions to stay below, finding new homes in waves of intentional or clingy thoughts to darkening souls, places, or Beings. contracts are restrictions, and perceptions, agreed by mutual ones, at that moment. may a soul in hell concern themSelves with agreements made under torcherous events..when Spirit is contained in cages, beliefs, and whip marks from years of containment from nobles, society, propaganda, and other vessels, gods, or devil... take karma, contracts, and heaven, and give them back to their followers and repeaters, from where they penetrated mine Eye. The Empath won't accept sovereignty in con's of humans, while Observance doesn't juri's with blinders on. no concerns, merely sifting through the tribulations and manipulations of life, while trying to grow wings and rise above inconsiderate ones that don't care but materialize everything. TYVM 💜🙏


hm well maybe you should make a longer video about hell then plug your website. this video seemed alittle short.


Belief is powerful. I don't believe in hell. I'm sure there's a void, i'm sure there's levels of existence, i'm sure there's more to experience beyond the death of being human. Higher consciousness is when you get blessed by the holy source of all creation and you KNOW you are a piece of it. I hope this helps you along your journey. I must unsubscribe now. Blessings.


Within my purview one who is wise ; should abandon all varieties of pseudo 'achon-man-made-up' religions ; because so-called religion is different from spirituality i.e.,
