Pastor Had Permanent Vocal Cord Damage. Then THIS Happened.

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A commonly shared atheist meme is that miracles were frequently reported until the time cameras were invented, and then suddenly they seemed to have disappeared. Well, at least until the time Photoshop was invented. But what if I told you that a legitimate healing was caught on audio tape?

Pastor Duane Miller was the pastor at First Baptist Church in Brenham, Texas. In early 1990, he caught a nasty case of the flu virus and lost his voice. But this wasn’t just your run in the mill case of laryngitis. Miller said that in: “In January, I contracted a flu virus that ultimately penetrated the myelin sheath of my vocal folds and damaged the nerve tissue beyond repair.” Virus damage to his vocal folds caused permanent nerve damage. Because a pastors' voice is obviously crucial to their career, Miller sought medical care.

Over the following three years Miller says that he: “was seen by over 63 specialists and their teams (totaling over 200 doctors) as they tried to diagnose and treat me. I had been left with a voice that sounded like the worst case of laryngitis you have ever heard, and could only make that if I screamed at the top of my lungs.” When Miller asked about his prospects for recovery, a doctor told him, “Zero.”

Find out what happened next.

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I attended the church where he was teaching when this happened -- a few years later, but they still talked about this. The witnesses were still around. A powerful story.


Every time I listen to that clip, someone in my house starts cutting onions.


This happened at first Baptist church in Brenham Texas in 1993. I was there to witness this miracle. Our pastor will try his best. Sometimes you couldn’t understand but the Holy Spirit will translate it for you until this day this miracle….


This reminded me of the time when I was having a severe stomach-burning sensation. I went to different doctors but there was no response to the medication. Eventually, I stopped taking medicines. I couldn't eat. I believed in God for my healing for months. One day it got so severe, that I called my pastor and asked him to pray for me. He said he was busy but gave me a short prayer anyway. While he was praying I felt a cold freezing touch inside my stomach and I was healed instantly. Thank you, Father.


For those who haven’t heard the whole story, God didn’t just heal him. God removed all of the scar tissue as if it never happened. The doctors were beyond amazed.


I have spasmatic dysphomia and theirs no cure. please pray for the restoration of my voice in Jesus name.


A similar thing happened to me years ago. I had torn tendons in my shoulder from a car accident. Permanent damage that left me with constant pain from the joint coming out of the socket due to the lack of certain tendons and reduced mobility in my shoulder as well. One night it was so bad I was in tears from the pain and I couldnt sleep. I was up at 3am praying that The Lord would take away the pain. No sooner had I asked than I felt the joint pop back into position of its own accord and a warm relief came over the area. I was immediately able to go to sleep and haven’t felt any pain since and have full range of motion.


Miracles are real. I had cautozomic cystic fibromyalgia for 7 years. Doctors said i would die by the age of 30. Went to a new doctor after a year of useless "modern" treatments and he "broke the rules" and prayed with me in the operating room before my weekly autonomic diglyceride libosuction... one week later i came back to the operating room fully healed and we praised god together! Thank you brother Steinberg


Thank you for sharing the recording. How exciting to know that God still wants to heal today. I read Psalm 103 daily. It shows His mercy and benefits. Psalm 107:20, "He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Wonderful and powerful video.


I needed this today, remember my brothers and sisters, no matter what doubts we have or what struggles we have in our faith, whether emotional or intellectual, we know a God that knows us all, our every thought and struggle, hears our every prayer, and is ALWAYS in control. He has conquered death and He sustains us all. Never forget that. Amen.


It’s great to hear a subtle but instant change in his voice at 4:00, but I love the new clarity and pitch he reaches on: “in a grave.”


I remember when I heard this for the first time. Very powerful testimony. Powerful emotionally and evidentially.


It still almost makes me cry all the time


I cried when i heard this
Praise Yah Pastor miller


Amen. Christ our LORD is a powerful savior


This made me tear up... Beautiful... God is so good... I don't know why but not many times have I witnessed or seen things like this which genuinely move me... But this really did. Praise God.


Even hearing it, all I could do is laugh with joy and praise God! Thank you for sharing


Our pastor told us this story tonight, the power of faith in Healing I was healed of epilepsy by faith.


Thanks for posting this. You see so much fake, you start to wonder if the real even happens anymore


Thank you!! I had a similar experience. Jesus is alive and still healing today
