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The big papa...Dazed And Confused from Seattle March 21 1975. This was by far the most involved video I've done yet, especially in terms of editing, and my longest video. This version of Dazed is the second longest that Zep is known to have played, clocking in at over 40 mins . The longest version ever recorded was from Los Angeles a week later on March 27 1975, and was a whopping 45 mins!!

I basically recorded this in 4 parts -
1- Beginning, up to the end of the first jam.
2- For What It's Worth /Back to The Garden bit (they played a bit of I Shot The Sheriff which was very unusual) to the bow solo start.
3 - The long fast jam, after the bow solo.
4 - End of the song and coda.

I decided to try to replicate most of the ensemble parts and some solo sections, as Bonzo played them, memorizing many of the fills. With that in mind, this is still not meant to be a literal note for note copy as that would be a mammoth undertaking and somewhat pointless IMO. The introduction, in-head, sections before the bow solo, and out-head are all pretty close to what Bonzo played, but the long , fast jams and the ending section are free wheeling.

There are a couple moments when things nearly come apart, and the tempos really fluctuate, especially during the long fast jam. Bonzo and Jones really push the beat at times, ( Colombian marching powder ?? ) and it almost has a punk type attitude so it was very hard to play along and stay in sync with the recording. As you can see and hear, the transition from jam to the lick that brings everything back to the 12/8 is not smooth...the band were off sync and it nearly comes apart , but they recovered.

I tried to approximate as best as I can and wound up doing a few takes of that fast section and each time I was unhappy with the sloppy change. I finally settled on the version in the video that you will hear but it was a frustrating one to work through because of that gaff. There are plenty of other versions where that transition is smooth, but unfortunately, this night was not one of them!

Hope you all dig it!

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We have more great video covers on the way!
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It's rare to see somebody so passionate (about anything) like you are about this. You truly are an example to follow! We all thank you for this wonderful performance, cheers!


Speechless...Killed it! What a sound Bonham created!


I clicked on this because I saw the gong beater in your hand.


A long piece like this is visually stunning to watch. Your dedication to Bonham's legacy,
like Terry's, is nothing short of staggering. If it wasn't eight thirty in the morning I'd have
a beer. Now I'm inspired to play and think a beer WILL hit the spot, seriously. Thanks, G.


Its been a awsome year, with another just begun, i have been following George since the very first video, i have been a bonzo fan all my life well as far back as i can remember, i was born 2 years after bonzo passed when dad shows me this dvd with bonzo playing i was immediately hooked along with all the phil collins dad used to play, sadly due to our house and sheds that have been destroyed by fire here in au i cant play anything not even a bucket to tap on, its like a drug, i feel so weird not being able to play, i have lost all my gear, my drums gone burnt to a crisp, the hardest part is trying to replace a vintage ludwig kit you loved for so many years just breaks my heart, George is the closest thing you will get to bonham, the dedication, the knowledge, is irreplaceable, so while the years we have left on this earth im greatful and glad there is George along with terry(bonzoleum) Derek(kick it like bonham) to really throw out these channels for us fans, disciples alike...if you really want know all there is to know about bonham...George, terry, Derek are the ones to study...keep it up! awsome job.


This is exactly what I needed in my life :) The unique live recordings focuses on general experience, while your video captures Bonham's legacy directly. We have no chance to observe this art anymore and I would never figure out what he is playing there. Thank you for all your hard work!


Reminds me being on a PIRATES ship on a mission!!! Eons ago... WAYYYY BACK THERE!!! THE **GONG** is the icing on the cake!!! THANKS **BROTHER DRUMMER**


EPIC Intensity and Discipline. Just like the Band. Tight but Loose! Awesome!


Nice technique George...sweet playing.


There are no words. I am out of words to describe how good these videos are, or how much I enjoy watching them. All I can say is thank you so much.


FREAKIN SICK! Any other statement is incorrect!


Nothing better than this vídeo to start the year 2020 with a masterful performance from you, to give us all the real motivation to keep getting better at this instrument!!!Thanks George!!!! (JR-PORTUGAL)


One of your better videos, a lot to study excellent playing way to jump off in the zone Rock on brother. 🤘 Time for some new heads the snare has seen better days.


George, this is just incredible! 21/3/1975 is one of the bootleg I listen more often (even if it's not perfect) and the version of D&C is just something else. It's pure joy to see you play it with such passion and competence. In my book you are the best drummer alive today. With all my love and respect! PS: GOODNESS, YOU DO RULE!!!


Just posted this link on a rick Beato "Bonzo drum sound" video... so deserves attention....


Thank you for showing this to us brother. We need more Bonham in the world. Its too bad there weren't more clips made of the man doing his stuff but this is certainly a great service to all of us Bonham Freaks!


Great job! That fill around 4:02 is so cool.


Absolutely stupendous. My favourite '75 performance. The primary reason I love these videos so much is because they really illustrate what a creative monster Bonzo was (something that often gets lost in the all of the hyperbole). And of course, your own drumming is an absolute pleasure to listen to and watch....and I ain't blowing smoke. Nice one George, love the 20:20 mark!


Happy New Year George! Grateful for this work and sharing your abilities with this epic jam. The endurance for a 3 hour set with this in the middle? Night after night on tour? That is amazing, you're amazing, my pea sized mind has official been blown. Thank you!


Absolutely epic George! The level of musicianship is off the charts and kudos to you with making it look so easy, even though it's a long, challenging song. It's a workout! Random Zeppelin thoughts imagining them playing this live, made me wonder if Bonzo ever went to take a nap during Jimmy's bow solos? :)) Also, I know they were a very loud band, but this was way before the days of in-ear monitors, etc., so it made me think about how well could they actually hear each other sometimes on stage performing live in different venues, especially outdoor venues, and what challenges they might have had being on the same page with all these different parts and sections, which improvise for a long time and are not easy. I am surprised to hear from musicians today saying there are sound challenges in different venues where they can't always hear each other, even with all the better tech there is today, so it must have been more challenging back then. That's what made them Zeppelin though, they obviously had it down. Great job George, thanks!
