Ohio Class Submarine vs Borei Class Submarine

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Ohio Class Submarine vs Borei Class Submarine
Ohio Class Submarine vs Borei Class Submarine
The most important component of nuclear triad is submarine. Ballistic missile submarines are used by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, India, and China to transport and potentially launch nuclear missiles. These countries have three options to launch a nuclear strike;
One – Land based missiles
Two - Bomber Aircraft
Three – Submarines
This is called Nuclear Triad. In case one of these nuclear armed countries strikes first, it could target and destroy all of its adversary’s land-based nuclear missiles and bomber aircraft. However, it may not be able to detect and destroy all of the mobile and ultra-stealth submarines. As a result, these nuclear armed submarines are called symbol of nuclear deterrence.
The United States’ Ohio-class and Borei-class nuclear armed submarines are considered the most powerful submarines ever manufactured. Today, we‘ll compare these silent war machines and will try to determine which is the KING of the Deep waters?
1. Overview
The United States’ Ohio-class are nuclear armed Submarines and is a guarantee that pretty much no matter what happens on the US Mainland, any attack will not go unanswered. The first boat of the class was commissioned in 1981….On the other hand, the Borei-class Submarines are much smaller than the Soviet era Typhoon class. These subs are super stealthy - almost impossible to detect as most of them are launched from some of the most northern bases in the world. The first submarine in this Borei series…
2. Design
As of today, per unit cost of an Ohio-class submarine is around $3billion. The Ohio is outfitted with 3 logistic hatches to resupply and repair. These hatches allow rapid transfer of supply pallets, equipment replacement modules, and machinery components. Ohio-class is some of the quietest and most difficult…On the other side, the inflation adjusted cost of a Borei-class sub is around $1billion. Each Borei is constructed with 1.3 million components. The total length of piping is 68mi and the length of wiring is 373mi. The boat’s acoustic signature is noticeably quieter than that of previous …
3. Performance
The Ohio-class is powered by a nuclear reactor powering 2 steam turbines to produce around 70,000hp. The submarine is equipped with a 325hp auxiliary diesel engine. Equipped with a 7 bladed shaft, the sub can gain top speed in excess of 12knots surfaced and 25knots submerged…Similarly, the Borei-class is driven by a nuclear reactor powering a steam turbine engine. These subs are first to use a pump jet propulsion system. The vessel can travel at top speed of 15knots surfaced and 33knots submerged. With a nuclear reactor, the subs again…
4. Firepower
Each Ohio-class can carry up to 24 Trident Nuclear Armed Missiles capable of attacking a target 7500mi away. If you just think about that, it means there is pretty much no target on earth that is out of reach. Just to give you an idea, when a single Trident 2 missile re-enter the atmosphere at speeds of Mach 24, it splits into 14 independent re-entry vehicles each carrying 100 kiloton of nuclear destruction. In summary - in less than a minute, 24 missiles could be launched resulting in 336 warheads…By comparison, the newer Borei-class subs are armed with 20 Bulava-class nuclear missiles. A single missile can split into 6-10 Multiple Independent Re-Entry vehicles with a yield of 150 kiloton each. The missiles have an estimated range in excess of 6,200mi, again meaning that pretty much any target on the globe is within reach. The submarine also carries 6 tubes…
Watch the video for the detailed conclusion.
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1) “Satiate Percussion" Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
2) Минобороны России
3) US Navy
All content on Grid 88 is presented for educational purposes. The appearance of US Navy and Минобороны России visual information does not imply or constitute the respective entities or this channel’s endorsement.
#Navy #Submarine #SSBN
Ohio Class Submarine vs Borei Class Submarine
The most important component of nuclear triad is submarine. Ballistic missile submarines are used by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, India, and China to transport and potentially launch nuclear missiles. These countries have three options to launch a nuclear strike;
One – Land based missiles
Two - Bomber Aircraft
Three – Submarines
This is called Nuclear Triad. In case one of these nuclear armed countries strikes first, it could target and destroy all of its adversary’s land-based nuclear missiles and bomber aircraft. However, it may not be able to detect and destroy all of the mobile and ultra-stealth submarines. As a result, these nuclear armed submarines are called symbol of nuclear deterrence.
The United States’ Ohio-class and Borei-class nuclear armed submarines are considered the most powerful submarines ever manufactured. Today, we‘ll compare these silent war machines and will try to determine which is the KING of the Deep waters?
1. Overview
The United States’ Ohio-class are nuclear armed Submarines and is a guarantee that pretty much no matter what happens on the US Mainland, any attack will not go unanswered. The first boat of the class was commissioned in 1981….On the other hand, the Borei-class Submarines are much smaller than the Soviet era Typhoon class. These subs are super stealthy - almost impossible to detect as most of them are launched from some of the most northern bases in the world. The first submarine in this Borei series…
2. Design
As of today, per unit cost of an Ohio-class submarine is around $3billion. The Ohio is outfitted with 3 logistic hatches to resupply and repair. These hatches allow rapid transfer of supply pallets, equipment replacement modules, and machinery components. Ohio-class is some of the quietest and most difficult…On the other side, the inflation adjusted cost of a Borei-class sub is around $1billion. Each Borei is constructed with 1.3 million components. The total length of piping is 68mi and the length of wiring is 373mi. The boat’s acoustic signature is noticeably quieter than that of previous …
3. Performance
The Ohio-class is powered by a nuclear reactor powering 2 steam turbines to produce around 70,000hp. The submarine is equipped with a 325hp auxiliary diesel engine. Equipped with a 7 bladed shaft, the sub can gain top speed in excess of 12knots surfaced and 25knots submerged…Similarly, the Borei-class is driven by a nuclear reactor powering a steam turbine engine. These subs are first to use a pump jet propulsion system. The vessel can travel at top speed of 15knots surfaced and 33knots submerged. With a nuclear reactor, the subs again…
4. Firepower
Each Ohio-class can carry up to 24 Trident Nuclear Armed Missiles capable of attacking a target 7500mi away. If you just think about that, it means there is pretty much no target on earth that is out of reach. Just to give you an idea, when a single Trident 2 missile re-enter the atmosphere at speeds of Mach 24, it splits into 14 independent re-entry vehicles each carrying 100 kiloton of nuclear destruction. In summary - in less than a minute, 24 missiles could be launched resulting in 336 warheads…By comparison, the newer Borei-class subs are armed with 20 Bulava-class nuclear missiles. A single missile can split into 6-10 Multiple Independent Re-Entry vehicles with a yield of 150 kiloton each. The missiles have an estimated range in excess of 6,200mi, again meaning that pretty much any target on the globe is within reach. The submarine also carries 6 tubes…
Watch the video for the detailed conclusion.
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1) “Satiate Percussion" Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
2) Минобороны России
3) US Navy
All content on Grid 88 is presented for educational purposes. The appearance of US Navy and Минобороны России visual information does not imply or constitute the respective entities or this channel’s endorsement.
#Navy #Submarine #SSBN