Motorcycle Clutch Replacement XJ650 Yamaha

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Changing Yamaha XJ650 Clutch replacement.
New friction plates and springs.

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Every time I see any thing about an XJ650 I whip myself mercilessly for selling my 1982. Best bike I ever had.


No need to take arm off shaft when replacing cover. There is a super easy technique which is hard to describe here but very easy to do. Basically you replace the cover and draw it close turning the arm which draws it in close. Then to align the two marks you turn the arm in the opposite direction which pushes the cover out a bit. You push the arm just until the gear slips a tooth and do that a few more times until the two marks are lined up when turned in opposite direction and cover drawn in. turn in the other direction to draw the cover back in. You have done an excellent video here. Thank you for sharing your knowledge


worked perfectly thanks remember ti line up the dots!


Hello. I have a 1982 Seca like yours. I need to do the clutch plates as well. Did you replace the steel rings as well? I was told I should, looks like you used the old ones. That's cool.


The center nut behind the plate on my xj is loose and is making a noise any idea what the torque is? Making the noise when the clutch is grabbed. And while in gear engaged


What is that piece of steel you check at 8.10?I do not have that in mine.I am trying to figure out why I cannot shift into neutral when the engine is running on my bike. When the engine is off I can do it.


How many km.or miles on the xj650.before this.service becomes necessary.

There is 55000km or around 34000 miles.
I dont notice any clutch slipping.
But am thinking bike will accelerate better if I replace with stiffer springs and heavy duty clutch plates?


So I did the clutch plate exchange. Not sure if I lined the dot up like you mentioned. How bad is that/ What will happen?


Very useful video. I am building a cafe out of a 1980 XJ. I have noticed when I have it in gear and pull the clutch lever I can push the bike but not as freely as In neutral.any ideas what causing this?


Were you concerned about your gasket goo getting inside the engine? Do you allow it to dry first?


Video would be a lot easier to follow if not for the stupid ass royalty free music playing. I can’t understand anything said over the music


imagine working on a something with those birds in the background


nice video, but it would have been much better without music and if u had mensioned what torque you're using


I couldn’t hear nothing, , , , for music 😵
