Exam Skills: 3 tips about learning styles
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What's your learning style?
We all have a learning style which we feel most familiar with. However, by examining this style, we can often find ways of making learning more effective.
We all have a learning style which we feel most familiar with. However, by examining this style, we can often find ways of making learning more effective.
Have you ever thought about what your preferred learning style may be? When you last learned something, either formally or informally, did you enjoy and benefit from the experience? If not, why didn't you enjoy it? How could you improve your learning experience?
Maybe you're someone who feels you must see and write down what you are trying to learn before you remember it – or maybe you're someone who quietly absorbs information? Do you always need a teacher to hold your hand as you learn?
Let's hear about some learners' experiences…
Student 1
"I like to be in a relaxed, informal environment - a small mixed group."
Student 2
"I like to feel that I can ask the teacher to repeat explanations or words without any feeling of anxiety or that I have failed or am irritating the teacher."
Working in a small group or asking a teacher to repeat explanations help those students learn.
Now think about how you learn best… Admit you have a learning style and think about how you can develop this. Identify your learning style or styles. Take a risk – try another style, it may work better for you!
Learning effectively puts you on the right path to exam success. Good luck with your studies.
We all have a learning style which we feel most familiar with. However, by examining this style, we can often find ways of making learning more effective.
We all have a learning style which we feel most familiar with. However, by examining this style, we can often find ways of making learning more effective.
Have you ever thought about what your preferred learning style may be? When you last learned something, either formally or informally, did you enjoy and benefit from the experience? If not, why didn't you enjoy it? How could you improve your learning experience?
Maybe you're someone who feels you must see and write down what you are trying to learn before you remember it – or maybe you're someone who quietly absorbs information? Do you always need a teacher to hold your hand as you learn?
Let's hear about some learners' experiences…
Student 1
"I like to be in a relaxed, informal environment - a small mixed group."
Student 2
"I like to feel that I can ask the teacher to repeat explanations or words without any feeling of anxiety or that I have failed or am irritating the teacher."
Working in a small group or asking a teacher to repeat explanations help those students learn.
Now think about how you learn best… Admit you have a learning style and think about how you can develop this. Identify your learning style or styles. Take a risk – try another style, it may work better for you!
Learning effectively puts you on the right path to exam success. Good luck with your studies.