The Ingenious guy Connected Broken Input-shaft Very Nicely / Pk process

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The Ingenious guy Connected Broken Input-shaft Very Nicely / Pk process




The top gear which was broke due to overload was very well attached
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As a lifelong welder, that ran a fabrication and repair shop for 45 years, about the first time he accelerates, that thing will go pow, right next to the weld! There are some thing’s that shouldn’t be welded, and that is one of them. Like Clint Eastwood said, “A man has to know his limitations “! 😂🤣😂


Гениально! Из измерительного инструмента только линейка и ответная деталь. Нарезка шлицов отрезным кругом. Сварка высокого качества. Отсутствие термической обработки. Я в восторге! Надеюсь эта высокотехнологичная деталь будет использоваться в качестве якоря в лодке, а не в трансмиссии.


I really liked the part where he cleaned all the grinding grit out of the input shaft bearing. Great work.


This guy is a genius, he found some broken part "fixed" it and probably threw it straight in the scrap bin when it was done, but he got 7.5 million of us to watch the video and banked the cash😂


Don't know how reliable the finished product will be, but I do admire the can-do attitude and the work involved especially in the conditions available.


as long as they never put the truck in gear and let clutch engage it should last forever haha


В этом видео прекрасно все. И резьбовой резец по всем операциям, особенно центровка сверла, и капли расплавленного металла от сварки в подшипник в купе с отходами болгарки, и работа машинкой по пазам. Спасибо вам Биба и Боба, вы сделали мой день.


As one who is skilled both as a machinist and welding, I am impressed at what this man was able to accomplish with bare bones tooling. Being able to center that shaft in a four-jaw chick with no dial indicator is admirable. He is making do with what he has. The only doubt I have is whether or not that repair is going to hold up. I wonder if he had the ground clamp on the tailstock? You wouldn't want it on headstock with current running through the bearings. That's the kiss of death for any bearing.


Nice ste up, gear in 4 jaw.
Nice ground through ur lathe bearings.
No concerns for spatter or lathe bed if ur ground through the dam thing.
Mighty soft shaft for that drill to go in so easy.
That input bearing has nothing to do w failure.
Precision cut splines.
No run out.
Man I love these videos, makes me feel like I can mig steel to alum!!!


Whenever Safety Sandles are involved you know some stuff is getting fixed 🙌 No trips to the part store needed here 🎉


GROAN! All that grit on that lathe! In the headstock. In the chuck! I hope they used something other than 7018 or 6013 to weld. That deposits mild steel. Shafts and gears are hardened for a reason. The welding changes the heat treat of the adjacent steel. If it's a typical trucker, he'll go out and load up his truck with as much as it will hold. SNAP. Broken again. Oh, bad luck.


The premise of the repair is sound however I actually laughed openly when he brought out the zip disc grinder to start cutting the shaft grooves.
Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. We can laugh all we want, but if it works it isn't a fail.


I see a lot of comments about the grinder grit getting in that input bearing. That bearing is Toast already, notice the rollers are rough and unevenly spaced and the roller cage is totally gone. The thrashed bearing was likely the cause of the snapped input shaft in the first place. If its not replaced there is Zero hope for the spline repair.


Can’t imagine anyone believing this repair will last very long. Love how he used his cutter to guide the drill.


Reminds me of back home! All parts are at least 80 miles away and some are hard to get. We have to 'temporarily fix ' stuff just to get the equipment back home. It's amazing what you can fix with a little ingenuity. Parts only temporarily as no heat treat, welding through the bearings, metal grinding particles in to bearings, ect. Only temporarily.


Under those primitive working conditions, I give the man lots of credit. He's taking care of business and not sitting on a street corner begging like some bum. Hats off to the man.


I hear this guy's been picked up by a major Golf Club company.
Because the second this shaft is put under a load, all you'll hear is a LOUD "PING!"
Though I must say, the Krylon rattle can tempering was a nice touch.


Nice shiny paint job ...
Now sell it 'as good as new' to some sucker.

Love the grinder's abrasive dust and removed steel fragments shooting into the bearing!


I am always impressed with someone who does the best they can with what they have this guy is by any sense the word is a genius and a very creative problem solver. It reminds me of a time when I was a little boy growing up on the ranch and my grandfather would fix things that most people would have just thrown away or repurchased. Even though my grandfather had money he did not waste it. This is a perfect example of why this country is failing and the rest of the world is doing good we can't do anything for ourselves anymore. Most young people if you ask them how about having hamburgers for dinner they would order them on Uber eats.


I welded an axel on a Terex Rock Truck, not expecting iy to last that long .I was told to anneal the axel overnight, in a large tube of kitty-litter . or floor dry . It was still cooling in the morning . I thought it would be too soft . I marked it with reference lines . No twisting, and its still good after 2 years . The break was caused by the dump box rolling over . I welded it with XC 223 Arc Tech . The only thing Id have done different on this guy's job, would have been, to get a similar spline maindrive section, and do the joint away from the splines .
