SUBNAUTICA | Ep. 039 - Massive & Epic Base Tour!!!

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SUBNAUTICA | Ep. 039 - Massive & Epic Base Tour!!!

Oh my goodness, it's finally done. After hours upon hours and days upon days(quite literally), Cliffside Command is finally complete. To think that it was our very first starter base at one point and has now been molded into this behemoth of a base is just crazy to think about. Look how far we've come!!! Anyway, I hope you guys like the base design. I put my heart and my sanity into it to make it as good as I possibly could. Hopefully now you see why it took so long to get this video out! Thanks for all the support guys, and I hope you enjoy :)


Outro: Part2 Productions - Aileron


Follow me on Twitter: @DoctorDDub
Рекомендации по теме

Epic base indeed! I just recently started watching this Subnautica series and I can't help but be proud and amazed of all the work and accomplishments. This has been a really fun series. Nice work dude.


This is AMAZING! You did such a great job with the base! I want to make sure the devs and staff of this game gets to see what you have done - definitely took it to a level I didn’t know you could do!


very nice base, everything's laid out with some thought and care to aesthetics. You've put in a lot of time and should be proud to show off your creation.


It is said that there might be land areas that you can climb on in the polar expansion, like ice caps.
