Every failing podcast does this.

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In this video, I'll be sharing the top 5 reasons podcasts fail. I don't want you to fail, so whether you're a beginner or you've been doing this for a while now, please be sure to watch all the way to the end.

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I'm not sure if this helps, but I've found releasing shorter episodes (20-30 minutes max) has brought me more listeners. People only have so much time in the day and a two-hour podcast will be very off-putting. A shorter one means a better chance of consumption.


5. Be specific with your focus (Don’t be too broad)

4. Don’t compare yourself (it’s you verses you yesterday)

3. You don’t market your podcast (build your audience. Clear niche & message. Build relationships. Be a guest on other podcasts.

2. Define what a successful podcast means to you. (What are your goals for your podcast? Show up consistently)

1. They give up too fast. (Be patient. Market yourself & be consistent)

Thanks for this ⚜️


5:50: "Remember that every single download, every single play of your podcast is an actual human being that's spending time with you"

...perfectly said!


Every download/play of your podcast is an actual human being spending time with you - that’s so true.


I’m so GRATEFUL that this video hit my feed this morning. My podcast is just starting to ever so slightly uptick. My niche is an audience of people who, like me, have someone else they care for who is severely disabled or medically fragile. Like special needs parents, caregivers of elders etc. I am a Mom to a 24 year old disabled son, his condition turned our lives completely upside down. This is the inside journey on how to adapt. So I named the podcast “The Adapted Life”. I think the biggest challenge I face is trying to stay consistent, which in itself is antithesis to the life of a caregiver of severely disabled medically fragile person. So it is.

My intuition led me back to tips and strategies from exactly guides like you Pat. I love doing what I do. I am truly on a journey to rediscovering myself after 20 plus years of extreme adversity.

Life is beautiful. Joy is possible, even when your child is born with a deformed brain.

❤️❤️❤️🙏Thanks for this video!!


Thanks Pat. Not going to quit! It's quite the challenge to pour everything I have into Content, and not always knowing if people are finding it. Thank you for the encouraging five tips.


Hello Pat! I’ve recently started working on my toy collecting podcast and watching your video makes so much sense and was very informative. Thanks for the encouraging words!


Love the episode, Pat! Your insight inspired me to go to real-time speed rather than the 2x. Yes, I admit, I am a fast listener, however, when something pulls me into the podcast, then I go, "Wait. What did they say?" and I rewind. Your sessions are rewind-worthy, Pat!


Wow! I just came across your YouTube and I’m so inspired. Podcasts have been something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Thank you Pat!


Step one is crucial! Did that from the beginning and although my listener base is small (300-500 per episode) it creates an engaged community. 🔥As always Pat.


Thank you for this, I've been podcasting now for over a year I love doing it but I haven't seen the growth I expected. Now it all makes sense, this video is what I needed at this moment 👏🏽


"If you build it...THEY will come" is a Wayne's World reference that parodies the original. So both are acceptable, I think. lol. Great advice as always, dude. I found those points really useful.


As someone who just recently started a podcast, I think this is a great list to remember so I can keep going. Thanks Pat!


Thanks Pat. Just started my new podcast yesterday! You’re videos have been a huge help. Thanks for all you do!


im so grateful to have seen this video, it seems to have found me at the perfect time. im getting ready to start up my podcast and I've been dealing with waves of fear and doubt, but after watching this I can see how much progress I have truly made. all we need is a little trust and patience. to whoever is reading this, dont give up!!


Love this, Pat. Definitely guilty of a couple of these :P But like you said, these things don't have to stop us. Everyone has an audience somewhere!


I believe your top reason holds true for lots of businesses! I know of several folks who I believe were on the cusp of HUGE success ... but it just didn't happen fast enough for them and they gave up. As usual, I think you are spot on.


Randomly stumbled upon this video. This is great advice that can be applied to other online businesses, not just podcasts.


Thank you man I've been on a Hiatus and really down on my Podcast because of its lack of growth in 2 plus years. Thanks to you I think I will give it one more Strong try. It would be the guy that inspired me to start podcasting at all 6 or 7 years ago. So Thank you


Thank you so much for all your videos, to thank you better I did not skip any ad and I shared with other aspiring podcasters like myself!! Thank you!
