Woke Backfire! Director Calls Whiteness A Disease & Gets DEMOLISHED! Faith Restored!

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I was born the way I was and refuse to be ashamed of it .


Imagine what would happen if you swapped "whiteness" in his tweet with "blackness". Imagine how hard he'd be cancelled by everyone. Just imagine that. Gross.


"There's a race war here, elections based on fear
Black lives only matter once every four years" - Tom MacDonald
That quote came to my mind when you were talking about democrats fear of how certain people vote.


I never cared about race until they started all this anti-white rhetoric. Now I care and I won't forget. Ever.


His employees should sue, seems like an abusive working environment he runs.


Here's something to try:
Pick any blue checkmark on twatter, and look for any time they mention "white." Replace it with "black."
Does it sound racist? If yes, it was racist to begin with.


Huh, it's almost like fighting racism with racism doesn't work. Who'da thunk it?


It's weird that the Only Morgan Freeman that matters said the opposite.


“Social media made you all too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” - Iron Mike Tyson.


I love being white, it feels me with massive joy knowing just existing as a straight white male fills so many tweetards with anger

Never forget, it's okay to be white.


Imagine saying some of the most racist stuff you can say, then calling somone a white supremacist


It's very sad to think that when he looks at his child he see's a disease and not a human being. If he really thinks whiteness is a disease then he has to square that away with the fact he is calling his own child a disease or diseased because of the way they were born. When you think about that it really puts this mental illness into perspective. I would really worry about the wellbeing of his child if he's teaching them this belief too. Teaching a child self loathing and hatred cannot be a good thing for them. :/


Replace "whiteness" with "Jewness" and Morgan J Freeman would LITERALLY sound like he's quoting from Mein Kampf.


"He's white"
I guarentee he'll call himself jewish.
These people always do.


*”Everything woke turns to shit.”*
— Pres. Donald J. Trump,
Cullman, AL (21 Aug 2021)


As a British person who watches what's going on in American politics and culture, I hope my American friends don't find this offensive as I'm not referring to them, but looking in from the outside, it's so weird to see this rise in extremists who are utterly OBSESSED with skin colour. It's so bizarre to see the level of obsession they have regarding how light or dark a person is, their anger at "whiteness" (including from white people!), their backwards 'logic' where they attempt to justify racism against people as "anti racism", their desperate need to put everyone into social groups and then elevate or discriminate against them based on that, and that they feel the need to run to Twitter to broadcast their hot takes about it to the world and condemn complete strangers as "oppressors" because of how they were born.

Of course I know that most Americans are normal people who don't think this way, and it's just fringe extremists who are amplified on social media or who are moderately famous celebrities, which is why they get publicity. It just seems like every other day there's some blue check mark from US entertainment, politics, or 'journalism' talking about "whiteness" and sowing division.

I have family and friends of all ethnicities, including my own wife who is of a different background to me, and none of us spend time dividing people pitting one 'group' against another. We don't think about this nonsense. We just get on with life and treat each other as equals - as human beings, made in God's image, no skin colour better or worse than any other.

The UK's not perfect and there are instances of racism, but in my experience it's extremely rare to hear people talk like this about white people as some kind of enemy or their skin as some kind of disease.

I don't know why this kind of thinking - which is utterly antithetical to the ideas of Martin Luther King, a hero on both sides of the pond - has taken hold with these people, and I feel for American families having to shield their children from being indoctrinated by such hateful, racist ideas in schools where they are told that there's something wrong with them because of their skin colour.

Long may the normal, decent American people continue to speak out against these attempts at division, and treat people as equals regardless of their skin colour. :)

Edit - It seems some of you have seen this in employment and education, which is something I wasn't aware of. I appreciate hearing your thoughts! I suppose what I mean is, I haven't heard celebrities, politicians, people on TV, or public figures here come out with this kind of stuff, and I've never heard anyone in real life say anything like this to me.


When I found out that the Sally had a pamphlet that stated that white people must repent for their skin color, I walked away from them. I refuse to bend the knee to anyone that demands I feel guilty for what God and Goddess gave me.


Bro the real Morgan Freeman is the complete opposite of this monster


I feel like we (white guys) were taught from a young age that our racial identity is not important and, if you think it is, you are a racist. So, we grew up trying to cultivate our own identities around everything other than our race (sports, games, music, hobbies, interests, etc), which ultimately ended up being a good thing. Because of this, it is hard to accept that anyone could make race such a huge part of who they are or people's obsession over race. I know race plays a role in our society and institutions, but I don't want to hear about it everywhere I go everyday. I am over it.


Who else remembers when MTV actually showed music videos?
