The kingdom of Mashiach will be characterized by STRICT JUSTICE - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

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#moshiach #acharit #hayamim #prophecy #endofdays
In the days of Mashiach, KORACH REVOLUTIONARY out of Gehinnom [כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא] - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
As stated in the mishnah "col Yisrael iesh lehem chelek l'Olam HaBa", all the people of Israel have a share in the world to come", no children of HaShem will be left behind, in His mercies, Teshuvah is open for everyone!
Korach, a "wannabe messiah", a sort of armed 'messiah' will be elevated in the End of Days, getting out of Gehinnom and being vindicated for his ideas that were ahead of his time. How will all this unfold? We don't know, until the time comes.
In the days of Mashiach, KORACH REVOLUTIONARY out of Gehinnom [כל ישראל יש להם חלק לעולם הבא] - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
As stated in the mishnah "col Yisrael iesh lehem chelek l'Olam HaBa", all the people of Israel have a share in the world to come", no children of HaShem will be left behind, in His mercies, Teshuvah is open for everyone!
Korach, a "wannabe messiah", a sort of armed 'messiah' will be elevated in the End of Days, getting out of Gehinnom and being vindicated for his ideas that were ahead of his time. How will all this unfold? We don't know, until the time comes.
The kingdom of Mashiach will be characterized by STRICT JUSTICE - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
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