The Card Counter reviewed by Mark Kermode

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Mark Kermode reviews The Card Counter. A former military interrogator, haunted by the ghosts of his past and now quietly making a living as a gambler, finds an opportunity for revenge and redemption.

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The central performance from Oscar Isaac is what stands out and is the best thing in this movie. He plays a troubled man who carries a huge moral weight from his time as a prison guard and interrogator. He drifts in order to keep himself to himself and as a coping mechanism for his guilt. He takes in Cirk as a travel companion hoping to help him as a form of redemption.
The pace of this film is very slow and dreary but what Paul Schrader has done is given an insight into one of the dark sides of America. The tone of the film is dark and there are flashback scenes of Tell working as a prison guard, the torture and violence is not visceral but implied. If you like movies such as "The Mauritanian", then this is quite similar in some respects.
Overall, this movie isn't for everybody but is powerful in a subtle way. This isn't a cool casino movie about a guy who plays Blackjack and wins a fortune but a darker movie about playing cards as a coping mechanism and a distraction from the moral guilt and weight from his past decisions. A five star performance from Oscar Isaac but the film overall a 7/10


I've only seen two Schrader films so far, First Reformed and The Card Counter, so I can't say with any certainty if I agree with Mark's point of The Card Counter dealing with themes that Schrader has dealt with before. However, for my money, Schrader creates and commands atmosphere like no other filmmaker working today and I love letting that atmosphere wash over me. I find both First Reformed and The Card Counter utterly fascinating, because I know I don't know what I believe it means yet, and I love exploring that lack of knowledge.


Just saw this in the cinema today, didn't know anything about it going in beforehand thankfully. It was my kind of film, atmospheric, understated and a little on edge. Suoerb soundtrack which was done by one of the BRMC members. Reminded me of 'You Were Never Really Here' which really was exceptional.


Unsurprisingly, Paul Schrader's new movie is unconditionally nihilistic. Like previous films he wrote, e.g. Taxi Driver, First Reformed or Bringing Out The Dead, this gambling drama is about a lonely and troubled man, who's trying to find meaning in life.


It felt like a mixture of drive and hard eight from Paul thomas Anderson, nevertheless, it may not be the most original thing ever made, but it's still bloody great


I'm a poker player and love a lot of Schrader's previous films so was looking forward to this a lot. Bit of a disappointment. Isaacs is very watchable as always but thought the rest of the cast performances were a bit iffy. Would have liked to see more of Willem Dafoe going nuts


This movie has poor user reviews because the military industrial complex does not want truths revealed about its abject evil being perpetrated around the globe. It is a harrowing story of the psychological damage caused by the perpetrators of the horrific torture program the U.S. military and its privately contracted and psychopathic mercenaries working in concert with our intelligence agencies orchestrated at Abu Ghraib. The gut wrenching irony is that, as we all know deep down, 9/11 was an inside job commited to usher in the current era of endless war and extra-judicial murder while being completely unaccountable to the American people, and the captives at Abu Ghraib had nothing to tell but were knowingly tortured anyway as a show of force and to instill fear in the global community - the definition of terrorism. This movie tells a truth, which is very important because without the truth we cannot unite to effect change and bring those responsible to account.


I really enjoyed the film, an intelligent and dark look at the banality of evil in late stage capitalism. Also appreciated the prominent use of liminal spaces by Schrader


I’m a huge fan of Schrader. But this didn’t do it for me. Too slow with nothing much going on and I don’t know what the film is about.


I loved this movie and can't wait to watch it again! Stellar performances and one of Schrader's bests


I absolutely loved First Reformed and was looking forward to this one. Not quite as good, but enjoyable nevertheless. Oscar Isaac is great as always. The directing and cinematograpny is good. The female lead was miscast and I did not buy her relationship with Isaac's character at all. I also think this movie could've benefited from more Dafoe. Let him go bezerk!


I can see where this would polarize viewers BUT the director's work simply isn't for everyone. I love this film.

So many exquisite details. Tell writing in his undershorts but later on shown sleeping in his clothes. His quirk of making motel rooms so bland with white sheets? Notice at the end Gordo does the exact same thing in his Spartan-furnished house.


Loved it - was glued to it from start to finish.


Actually he puts sheets on everything to make his cheap hotel rooms resemble a prison cell. It mirrors the scenes of him in jail writing and reading. He likes the order jail provides


The concept intrigued me and I wanted to like it, but it just dragged in places.


Thought this movie was a bit trippy and had sort of a weird vibe since so many crucial events occurred off camera which I didn't love, but overall I enjoyed it.


Brilliant Film from the same writer that wrote Taxi Driver, Paul Schrader!!!


Easily one of the most important films in recent years. It is just my opinion but Schrader is trying to say something which no artist feels capable of doing anymore.


This am excellent movie, about a vet with PTSD, if you have understand the movie...


Considering poster and title I guess a lot of people must have felt conned watching slightly awkward and weird characters stumbling slowly around stale casinos instead of some slick thriller about gambling. It’s far from perfect, but I really liked it.
