Rania Khalek Interview on Being Shut Up and Shut Down by the Establishment

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Excellent topic, good discussion. Thanks to Ben and Rania.


another brilliant interview with one of my favorite peoples Rania Khalek. great stuff Ben!


Argumentum ad Joan Walshium -the dishonest claim that one's thesis is correct because someone else was rude on Twitter.


So Gamergate all over again. As a GG supporter I'm all too familiar with these neo-liberal tactics. Gamergate supporters are always criticized as harassers and misogynists. We were also all labeled as right wing conservatives despite data showing most GG supporters identify as left but recently and conveniently lumped in as 'Bernie Bros.'
In addition much like how Clinton supporters erase Bernie Sanders minority voices they also erased minority, LGBT, and women supporters of GG which led to the #NotYourShield movement.
Unfortunately the only way people usually wake up to this hypocrisy when they see they see someone they personally know and love attacked.


Generally sympathetic to your all's view, but Neera Tanden wasn't reacting to a thoughtful data-driven critique, she was called a "scumbag".
