Dave Hunt The Rapture Is Next

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Recent events have foretold how the masses will react when face with a crisis. Generally when times are good the people feast party and beg for more more more. In good times man seeks pleasures and truly is a lover of themselves. Facebook and social media reflect that fact more than any other indicator in life. Mankind loves itself and normally will not bow to any other. When calamity strikes chaos evolves.. Man made most definitely the case, in most incidences but there is an event coming soon not to a theater near you that will shake the world beyond belief and terrify the masses. Jesus Christ will appear to the church and sound the going home alert for the believers in Christ. The world and even most of the religious world will not hear the alert, they will be fast asleep in their busy lives. The one thing that will alarm the masses is that thousands of people are missing, gone, vanished.
Luke 21:36
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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