Once explorers, always explorers - ESA's space science and exploration missions

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The European Space Agency's science and exploration missions have been much in the news in recent years, with exciting results from its Gaia Milky Way surveyor and other astronomical observatories, the decade-long adventure of the Rosetta comet-chasing spacecraft and its Philae lander, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter at the Red Planet, and the launch of the international BepiColombo and Solar Orbiter missions to Mercury and the Sun, respectively. In this talk, I'll give you some insight into these missions and others in ESA's fleet, their challenges and scientific discoveries, and tell you what's coming next as we continue our exploration of the solar system and the wider Universe beyond. These include a new mission to Jupiter and new space telescopes spanning the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as preparations for humans to return to the Moon and travel beyond.
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