Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 2 BREAKDOWN

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We continue our march through the week 1 episodes of Rings of Power with episode 2: Where the Stars are Strange! We meet the dark wizard of Rhûn and finally get ANNATAR!

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To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!

The Gladden Fields - Anke Eißmann
Gollum - Steve Airola
Gandalf, A Light in the Dark - Matthew Stewart
Balin's Tomb - Peter Xavier Price
Departure from Gondor - Anke Eissmann
Thus Came Aragorn - Ted Nasmith
Forging the One Ring - Marko Manev
Earendil - Jenny Dolfen
earendil - alystraea
Galadriel - Anato Finnstark
The Elven Rings - RalphDamiani
palantir of elostirion - matej cadil
mumakil - WETA
Castle Sunset - Felix Englund
gandalf - Jenny Dolfen
Misty Mountains - Felix Englund
Saruman and Palantir - Angus McBride
Saruman - LOTRO
Desert city sunset - Felix Englund
The Blue Wizards Journeying East - Ted Nasmith
The Blue Wizard - Aegeri
the blue wizards - Turner Mohan
Alatar and Pallando - Raph Damiani
fatty bolger - Tolman Cotton
Blue Wizards - Aegeri
Dark valley - Felix Englund
The Dwarf Lords - Ralph Damiani
Eastern Shore - Felix Englund
Mountain sunrise - Felix Englund
Celebrimbor and Narvi - Ralph Damiani
Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil - Ted Nasmith
Rúmil of Tirion - Steamey
Daeron and Lúthien - Anke Eißmann
Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
Sauron before Ar-Pharazon - Anke Eissmann
Khamul Easterling - Soni Alcorn-Hender
Hollin Gate - Ralph Damiani

#theringsofpower #ringsofpower #lordoftherings
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What score (1-10) would you give this ep? What do you think of the Dark Wizard and Annatar?


Fun fact from a classically trained music teacher. When Disa and the two other dwarf women are singing, their music begins in unison and harmony. Towards the end, a fourth voice enters that creates dissonance, or discord, causing the harmonic structure of the music to fail…along with their efforts. Wonder who was the fourth voice “sowing discord” into the music? Good job by the composer.


I laughed so hard at the guess who's back, back again part


Cirdan feeling good with his new ring. Shaving his beard, going to the gym, inventing yacht-rock with his new dad-band.


Two breakdowns after a four-hour watch party in one night! This Matt is no man! He is Sauron! 😭


I know you were joking, but I literally went 'ahh mannnn' when that first age wine smashed.


I remember thinking the same about the dialogue of "A sharer of gifts. Annatar." immediately followed by "Annatar, Lord of Gifts" but upon rewatch, Celebrimbor actually puts an emphasis/italics on the "Lord, " almost as a clarification of the Quenya name. Yet another small little Sauron manipulation that I think works beautifully, with him pretending to show humiility knowing Celebrimbor will know the true meaning of the name.


I'm loving how they're portraying Annatar and his entrance was amazing. I'm also glad that they kept Charlie Vickers for the part instead of recasting for "Annatar".


making him gandalf and then dark wizard saruman would be the biggest blunder in the history of television


Could the Dark Wizard be a huge misdirect? "Those who used the Nine Rings became mighty in their day, kings, sorcerers, and warriors of old." Perhaps this sorcerer becomes one of the Nazgul?


The scene with Círdan 16:18 left me questioning: why is he shaving? Is this lore-related or did they do it just to disappoint us?


Legend has it, the bigger the brows the more powerful the Wizard


I got the feeling that Sauron didn't mean to say Annatar. He meant to say the elvish for "Sharer of Gifts", but his arrogance got the better of him. When Celebrimbor responds "Annatar...Lord of Gifts" to me Sauron looks kind of surprised, like he didn't realize he had said that. It makes sense that Sauron of all beings would subconsciously switch the two words.


Sauron saying yes and Celebrimbor filling everything else with whatever he wants that yes to mean is manipulation at the highest level.


“The hobbits fly away, never to be seen again” 🤣🤣🤣 Great breakdown as always, tfs


Watched all three episodes and I'm very impressed with the changes they made from Season 1. I thought the dialogue and pacing, although they still had some issues, were much improved. Personally I really enjoyed watching these episodes and I can't wait for ep. 4 next week.


shady's back alone earned a like, I literally yelled "Feminem is back!" when she came back


It’s also possible that the dark wizard is not an Istar but a human sorcerer who goes on to become the Witch King of Angmar.


I'm loving every Sauron and Celebrimbor scene


The Halbrand route to Annatar may have been needed. Instead of Celebrimbor simply accepting a Lord Of Gifts who shows up claiming to be a Valar, Sauron gains his trust first by helping him in a mortal guise. Celebrimbor is receptive to the big reveal AFTER being helped to work a needed miracle.
