80% Of 'Pimp My Ride' Was Fake. Here’s The Evidence

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Over the last 15 years, many former Pimp My Ride contestants have come forward to expose the show as fake. The houses, reveals and reactions were staged, many of the car's upgrades didn't work or got removed as soon as the cameras cut, and depressingly, even Xzibit himself seemed to grow resentful of Pimp My Ride after filming it. This video will explore how Pimp My Ride was staged, and how it impacted those on the show.

This is, 80% Of "Pimp My Ride" Was Fake. Here’s The Evidence .

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The biggest clue that it was all fake was that it was a TV show


Kinda like when Storage Wars cuts open a lock on an abandoned locker, raise the door and there's gaffer tape covering the brand logos on every item 😂


As someone who used to work in reality tv, this is pretty much how ALL reality tv is produced. It varies in how much is based on fact or made up, but there is almost always a producer feeding lines or steering the dialogue to tell the story that they want to


Not gunna lie. Finding out all the shows I watched as a kid were completely fake hurts just a little...


I’ve been on reality tv, I was on the show ‘Take me Home’ which is a dog adoption show based in Western Australia. At least 60% of the stuff that was filmed wasn’t in the final product, but we did get to keep the dog. Some scenes, like when we got her from the airport, we did that sequence half a dozen times, filmed from different angles and with different cameras each time.


They really did seth dirty by telling the world he kept candy all over his car just in case 😭


It's a real shame, man. In 6th grade I'd stay up until like 3am just to catch the back to back episodes of this. I knew even as a kid that it HAD to be scripted or something in a few parts, but damn it was SUCH a good show back in the day.


Up Next: Why "Ride My Pimp" Never Happened....


I remember we watched this show as a family back in the day, and I'd get annoyed with my mom because she was constantly commenting on how stupid, unsafe, and unnecessary a lot of the changes they made to the cars were. At the time she was ruining my immersion and I thought she was just being an old person who didn't understand cool shit. But she was absolutely right. It's legit embarrassing looking at this shit now.


It was a reality show that turned out to be fake. What a twist of irony! By the way, thank you MTV for entertaining us in the 2000's.


Telling the contestants that it might be a production member telling them no knocking on the door to get a genuine reaction is genius. The actual excitement was a big part of the show.


Having being a contestant is a "reality TV show" myself, I had to learn it the hard way that "reality TV" is almost close to never be "real". In one episode, the producers actually came to me to "ask" me to "act" as a villain, as they said: "you look like you can really pull off the villain character." I was forced to sabotage another contestant, & the contestant was also aware of that. Turned out, the competition was already rigged from the get-go, as the "victim" was already chosen by the producers & the sponsors to be the winner that year. Ever since that stint, I never trusted "reality TV shows" anymore.


It was the same story with the UK version. A friend of mine had her Daihatsu Hijet van pimped. They did a custom wood grain theme throughout including the wheels which all flaked off within a few months of her having it back. They built her pet guinea pig a home on the dashboard which she had to remove because it restricted visibility. I’m pretty sure it actually failed its MOT (annual safety inspection) because of it!

And when Tim Westwood (🤮) came with the crew to collect the/film the van they said it wasn’t in bad enough condition so they made it look worse by pulling one of the rear lights out and leaving it hanging by the wires. I think they removed the front bumper too. And then made Abi (my friend) drive it on the road like that so they could film it. Which I personally think was dangerous because the rear lights weren’t working.

They also made her wreck the inside of the van to make it look worse and had her leave rubbish on the seats and floor. Which really annoyed Abi because she’s really OCD and it made her look like a slob on TV

And they had the van for months. She had to rely on family to get to and from work which wasn’t ideal as a 27 year old woman living away from her parents. Oh and they got her to say she was a lot younger than she actually was!

She kept the van for a long time but eventually sold it because things kept going wrong with it. Not necessarily things that PMR did but it wasn’t a very reliable van.


The tone of the video sounds like you are trying to break the watergate scandal story. If you were watching MTV in the early 2000s, you were fully aware that the reality shows they broadcasted were fake.


Pimp My Ride and it's 80% fakeness is the example of what not to do for a car restoration TV show.


I remember the contestant who had the 24" MTX Jackhammer subwoofer installed in his car mentioning that they removed it along with a TV screen that was installed after the reveal leaving him with a car half filled with a subwoofer box and nothing in it. Seems most of the extras they built around were yanked or were only allowed to be kept if the person paid for it. It really is depressing to learn how fake and destructive to participants the show was. Even Xzibit became nothing more than a meme for it.


We need a reboot where it's just a parody that leans into that internet "yo dawg" meme LOL


I can tell you it is 100%.

My co workers son was the kid with the “gambling van”. She told me is was the most fake thing she’s ever seen in her life.

They chose her son. Contacted him and scheduled him to bring the van to a random rented house “shoot location” and leave it there for a few days. Wasn’t even his real car, he bought it to be in the show.

He then went there on the film day, show his fake reaction 100 times. Xibit wasn’t even there. After they shot pretty much everything. Xibit came and did his thing for 30 minutes and dipped. They got b role shots and called it a rap.

They took his car and kept it for months. Finished it and called him. For more filming of reactions and to finish it all. Again Xibit showed up for 30 minutes and took off.

After, they took half of his stuff off the car that was worth anything. Then what they left in there didn’t even work or broke after a few months. He was paid for being on TV and he sold the van.

She said it was the most shallow and weird thing he’s ever done. As fake as it gets and a complete waste of time.


IDK why people think that reality TV is reality.


I was actually going to be on the show, but I went too boot camp and got the letter from the producers while there. It was a mixed blessing though because while I was there I learned that any customization of vehicles has to he approved if I intended to drive my kia on base and "Trunk televisions and excessive chrome" were explicitly prohibited lol
