Why I'm Not Moving Back to the US After Living in Germany for Over 4 Years

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Why I'm Not Moving Back to the US After Living in Germany for Over 4 Years

(Disclaimer, I will be using this to buy a nice glass of wine 🤎)






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For me as a german, think that‘s normal. It makes me happy to hear that you‘re enjoying our land.


I spent a month in Germany this summer for work and I loved it. The travel part is so true, I was sitting in my hotel room one Saturday morning thinking of something to do, so I decided, "I guess I'll go to France today." Made this decision at 11:30am, and at 1:00pm I was at my destination in France. Spent the whole day there and was back in Germany in time for a late dinner, still trips me out. It's like traveling in the states, except each state speaks a different language
Dying to go back.


I'm an American living in Switzerland for the last 3 years and many of the benefits of living in Switzerland are the same as yours, especially the safety thing as a woman, and children walking home alone. There's a feeling a freedom that come with that which is really special.


this is so crazy to hear as a German, we just take all of it for granted.


I understand exactly what you mean. I am also a New Yorker who moved to Germany 17 years ago, our daughter was raised here, and she now attends university in Germany. At this time, we really have no intention of moving back to the US. Of course, Germany has its issues and problems, but I find the lifestyle we have been able to create here is better than what he had in New York. I feel safer here, our daughter was able to get her own apartment as a college student, which is practically unheard of in the states. The health care system is navigable and as a cancer survivor, I probably wouldn't even be able to get insurance if we lived in the US. I love the fact that the city we live in is so green. In general, our family has really thrived here.


Very valid points. There is one thing the americans have to understand:
If you want roads in a good condition, affordable and good schools and universities, affordable and good public transport, you need to pay some taxes. Taxes are worth paying as long as they are used in a reasonable way.


I lived in Germany for almost 5 years. Coming back to the US was a shock to me! The German people showed me how to live a cool and simple life. I go back to Germany as often as possible and always hate leaving the country.


It doesn't matter if you're American, Mexican, Or French you've gotta learn the language(German), But especially for Americans, I've met some Americans that actually believe that everyone is supposed to speak English to them wherever they go, Please make the effort to learn the language


I was born in a European country and I remember my American friend being SHOCKED when I told him I had zero debt to pay whatsoever when I finished college. I was shocked he started his professional life with a debt hanging over his head. My mind can't comprehend this.


Never apologize for wanting to have a lot of children. There's plenty of women, like me, who don't want to have children, and we will depend on your children to take charge of the world when we are older.


As a German, it's so humbling to watch videos like this one. Unfortunately, Germans often tend to be dissatisfied with everything and rant about politics and everything around it. But when you hear from US citizens how nice and good we have it here, it quickly brings you down again and makes you grateful. I like the background music though. Wish you all the best! :)


As a German myself, i really appreciate my country even more after i see it trough your eyes.


When people hear safety, they often think of crime. But safety also includes safe traffic. In Germany, many cities are pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly, you can actually go or ride to places that aren't just around the corner. A very car-friendly city can be a pedestrian nightmare, plus there's increased levels of noise and air pollution. We're not the Netherlands in this regard but still miles ahead of most North American areas.


I'm not moving back to the U.S. because of the absence of universal health care there, period. I have other reasons but that's numero uno for me. I lived in France for seven years and now Germany for four and I can't describe how great it is to not have to even thing about, let alone worry about, how I'm going to pay for health care and perscriptions.


I moved here 6 years ago to join my husband and we now have 3 kids. I missed living in the U S but the reasons I am staying are actually those you mentioned, education and time of being at the top of my list. I have to say it can feel lonely sometimes when I miss my friends but I enjoy my family and what we are building here. ❤️


For me as as german, it makes me happy to see other people from around the world that enjoy living here :) Only the best wishes for you! Greetings from Baden-Württemberg


My acquaintances from America often mention "Yes you poor guys in Germany, you have to pay so much in taxes. Such terrible socialism!". Yes, but we all get high quality medical care, world-class education (for everyone, even if you were born poor). If you have 3 kids (like we we do now), we get excellent daycare in modern, safe facilities for the kids, we pay €250 a month for 2 kids since our household income is in the highest bracket. We happily pay that and our spots are guaranteed by law, all we had to do was fill out a form. Also, no need for private schools, because public schools are safe and excellent. And, yes they're free.

So yes, we pay taxes, but we get services that are really worth it. Not everything is perfect, but overall it works. The rich pay more than the poor, so the poor can get the same services. A simple social contract. I was born into a working class family, I benefitted from the system through free public schooling and public university. Now I am a member of the upper middle-class and I am happy to pay high taxes so other families can get the same chances in life that I enjoyed as a child.


The travel part is so true. You could literally drive for about 4 hours from where I live and be in Holland or Belgium and then back.


What I love about Germany: no gun crime. The safety I enjoy as well even though I live in a big city!
