Adom TV Evening News (09-10-24)

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Evening news in Twi and other matters arising in Ghana.
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Adom TV Evening News (09-10-24)
Organised Labour suspends tomorrow's strike- Adom TV Evening News (09-10-24)
Sekyere Cenral District struggles due to inadequate resources- Adom TV Evening News (10-09-24)
Bono chiefs give government one month deadline to take action- Adom TV Evening News (10-09-24)
Imcumbent MP files nomination forms for third term- Adom TV Evening News (10-09-24)
President Akufo Addo reaffirms commitment to end illegal mining- Adom TV Evening News (09-10-24)
Badwam Nkuranhyensem on Adom TV (10-09-24)
Premtobre Agokansie on Adom TV (10-09-24)
Former CHRAJ commissionioner calls for prosecution of perpetrators of killing (09-10-24)
One out of four children have a vision problem; parents urged to show concern (09-10-24)
Ghana HIghway Authority closes Atebubu-Prang highway- Adom TV Evening News (09-10-24)
Adom TV Evening News (09-09-24)
Four suspects in custody, others on the run- Adom TV Evening News (10-09-24)
Adom TV Live Stream
Kasoa Ofaakor Circuite court remands Nigerian woman on police wanted lists for 10 years (09-10-24)
Adom TV Evening News (23-09-24)
Electoral Commission is ready for this year's elections- Bossman Asare- Adom TV Evening News
Adom TV Evening News (10-08-24)
Government partners with Ghana National Association of Small Scale Miners
Virtual Infosec Africa donates GHS100,000 to Breast Care International -Adom TV Evening News
Gyedim Obuase residents applaud assemblyman for building new facility- Adom TV Evening News 01-10-24
Madina MP adopts 20 orphans, pledges educational support- Adom TV Evening News (02-10-24)
I made a mistake by not seeking God's guidance on my song- Apostle Lenny Akpadie (09-10-24)
Adom TV News (24-9-20)