Chen patch analysis | Patch 7.31

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We will check out the recent Chen changes together



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Ma man Anysu covering the boys with a Chen update! Thanks bro!


i'm feeling the chen hype so hard man, i wish i could make to divine by spamming him. Wildwing Ripper is my fav now!!!


Those skeleton armies are no joke. They just tear right through structures.


I've always wanted to get good at Chen, but I can never remember the creeps' abilities; the only ones I've memorized so far is the Centaur with the stun and the pinecones with the hoodwink Q.


Thanks for the content, really helps alot for learning chen. I have 2 questions about this hero, it would be reall nice of you if you could answer it.
1. During the laning stage when u go and get a neutral creep from a camp, do u kill the other neutrals in the camp? Because even if u kill them with the neutral u gotten, it would take some time which might expose ur carry leading ur carry to a death. But if u dont kill them, u cant get a new camp afterwards. So what is the correct move u would recommend?
2. Do u think it is worth getting a harpy and let it afk on a cliff or around the trees with the flying vision ability. Because it is the only neutral with 1800 day and night vision. Or is it not worth using a creep slot for that?
Much appreciated if u could help me with these questions!


I am a Chen player too but ofc not good as you. I love playing it and one problem that I have is that I play with MacBook it doesn’t have lots of keys like playing on a keyboard where you can utilise lots of keys


man i always get blamed for taking the range creep on the first wave, can u give me a clarification on when to do it and when not? PLS <3


Can you please share some details around some micro please, really struggling to learn micro