We Asked The People Of Belfast To Name The Positives Of Brexit

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With the general election looming, i's Global Affairs Correspondent Molly Blackall travelled to Belfast to ask the residents how they thought Brexit had impacted on their country.

Although several people felt that it had little impact on their day-to-day lives, people on the street told the i about the difficulties that it has caused in getting products from abroad.

A number of interviewees also expressed anger at the 'Vote Leave' campaign with one claiming that people had been 'duped', mentioning the infamous '350 million' for the NHS claim.

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as someone at work told me "Im voting leave to stop all these Somalians coming did point out that freedom of movement didnt really affect Somalia as it isnt in the EU but it fell upon deaf / clogged up with gammon ears


The last guy lists his complaints and then says he won't vote. He's part of the problem.


Brexit has, undoubtedly, been particularly problematic for NI. The DUP supported it, so hopefully get punished for their part in this car crash.


the people of N.Ireland that voted for BREXIT did so for one reason they thought that the Good Friday Agreement would be made null and void... see thier hate of all things Irish and European is greater than thier love of the union. basically the stance the DUP and other unionist extremeists took and still take has done more for Irish re unification that 100 years of IRA war... and its great to see lol so lets not pretend it was about anything else other than that in N.Ireland... but always remember the people of N>IREAND voted against BREXIT just like we voted for GFA.... and the eextremists unionists hate that


You were not duped, you chose to believe when many voices told you not to. The same goes for any Brexit voter who now regrets.


One positive for the rest of the world: No longer hearing the disgusting term - ‘ex-pat.’


Every person I talked to in and around London, never visited NI. They had zero interest and though it would be best that NI join Ireland.


Isn’t it great that the Irish government stepped in to pay for the Erasmus programme for the students of Northern Ireland???


Brexit is the best thing that happened to Ireland. It will bring a United Ireland sooner...


The DUP! A United ireland’s best friend..


That's one part of the 'UK' that Reform UK Ltd. are keeping well away from.
Why not just call themselves "Reform GB Ltd."?
Go on Nigel, show up in Derry and tell them how good Brexit is.


United Ireland even closer than ever has been the best thing about brexit, so well done the DUP. lol


how was placing economic sanctions against yourself by removing yourself from the biggest trade group going to be a good thing. a mack of common sense is what happening here


The UK's relationship with the EU has been a trainwreck from day one.

They acted like a spoiled brat who wanted to be part of the cool kids' club but couldn't stand following the rules once they got in.

The government begged to join when they realized they were missing out on the economic party, but they never fully committed to the "European project."

Once in, they constantly whined, demanded special treatment, and acted like they were too good for the rest of Europe. They wanted all the benefits without any of the responsibilities.

UK politicians used the EU as a convenient scapegoat for decades, blaming Brussels for their own failures and feeding the public a steady diet of bullshit about straight bananas and other nonsense.

Meanwhile, the British public evidentally couldn't be arsed to actually learn how the EU worked, preferring to believe words on a red bus trundling around the country.

They swallowed tabloid lies and politician's bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

When things got tough, instead of working to reform the EU from within (where they had significant influence), the government helped by Farage threw a massive tantrum and decided to take their ball and go home.

The Brexit campaign was a shitshow of lies fueled by xenophobia and delusions of grandeur, led by opportunists who never thought they'd actually win.

Now the UK is out, the press media is still bitching about the EU, acting shocked that actions have consequences, and trying to blame everyone but themselves for the mess they've created.

It's like watching a never-ending episode of a really bad reality TV show.


That last guy required subtitles. I have no idea what he said.


Irish unity it's the only solution for brexit!


the first young man who spoke is correct, re. Brexit, bringing onward a unified island of Ireland, and another lady saying it was "...an own goal" These are people living in the 6 counties so I guess they should know. As for those in the rest of Ireland, three things are abundantly clear, 1. Partition has been a slow-puncture disaster. 2. the Tories don't give a fig! and 3. a unified Ireland with a government, however it is configured, taking all 32 counties SERIOUSLY, would be far far greater than the sum of 32. 
Lets get the 6 counties back in the EU


NI always done well out of the EU, grant wise. All gone and not replaced by Westminster.


I need to go to Belfast just to listen to people talk. It’s so soothing and mellifluous.


I was discussing the Leave and Remain policies, as far as the public were being told, with colleagues prior to the Referendum and trying to highlight the fact about the situation if we left the EU for not only NI, but also Gibraltar and other British Overseas Territories. My colleagues didn't have a bloody clue what I was trying to say and had never even thought of the consequences beyond the boundaries of their own little world. I tried to educate them, but they had been conned into believing all our UK woes were a conspiracy by the French and Germans in the EU! Not easy trying to reason with brick walls!
