Exploring my 9 Year Old PS4 Minecraft Legacy Worlds

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Touring 9 year old Minecraft Playstation 4 edition worlds on legacy console

These worlds date back to 9 years ago in my life when I first got the Playstation 4 for Christmas and started playing this game online with friends after coming from Xbox 360 previously. These worlds have a lot of lore behind them of what my friends and I intended to get accomplished when starting a new world. Sadly many of the projects we set out to do never got finished and only the beginnings of new builds are what remain in these worlds after not being played for years. But other worlds had a decent amount of work done in them and these brought back some long lost memories from deep in my subconcious. I hope you guys enjoy seeing the sort of things I built as a youngster, they mean a lot to me personally but I am curious whether someone who has never played these worlds thinks they are any good. Thanks for watching the video, I hope it is entertaining enough that you'll leave a like and subscribe for future videos. PEACE OUT LEGACY GANG

Check out other similar videos to this on my channel! lots of legacy content and other Minecraft videos :)

Welcome to my Minecraft channel where I post a lot of content on what my friends and I have been doing on our survival world as well as covering other topics based on Minecraft. Subscribe if you want to stick around and see more content like this from me :)
Рекомендации по теме

i love how every kid's legacy console edition house was massively inspired by stampy's


Playstation 4 doesn't feel old. But it still feels nostalgic no matter what


Trying to build a hunger games map and quitting after the start is so real.


i remember naming a Minecraft world “zero” after my dog. i went on my old 360 a couple weeks ago and found it. couldn’t stop crying, i remember everything in the world like the back of my hand. dead ass the best times of my life no stress, no school, no bills, no job no no bothers. just me being a kid happy with my parents…


I probably had my fair share of stampy inspired builds from the PS3 version of minecraft lmao. i respect it, im 20 now and i look back and the man’s a legend


I never had a ps4 but I used to play minecraft everyday on the ps3, the memories hit hard.


Other generations will never understand how nostalgic Minecraft was back then. Playing it for the first time is an experience you’ll only ever get once in your life


Horse been trapped there for 9 years and u finally set him free


I used to have the old Minecraft ps4 case and disc, so much nostalgia, this makes me shed a tear, I wish I could go back in time one last time.


Jeroo: “omg is that a horse”
🐴: “ME OW”


The limited sized worlds really made you feel more grounded and accustomed to what the game offers
I miss xbox360 / ps3


The sad thing is as a child you dont realize when you leave a world the last time


3:31 Yo I just had a flashback to my childhood, there was a glitch on Bedrock where if you mined a block of iron or diamond and then quickly placed the block again in the same spot, it had a chance of duplicating the block. Me and my cousin broke every survival world we had at the time with that glitch.


It only feels like a couple years ago I was playing Minecraft and Destiny 1 with my friends. That was 7 years ago in middle school, and now I'm about to start my junior year of university...


Minecraft ps3 Edition was my first experience with Minecraft I played the very first version of the ps3 edition. I remember seeing Minecraft on someones tv asked my dad about it and my dad found out when it was releasing and got it for me as a surprise. I remember being called into my parents room and my mom and my dad holding the game. I was so excited and went to my ps3 immediately to play it. The best part is I still have my ps3 and all my old worlds some of them are tutorial worlds because I liked seeing all the new tutorial worlds each time there was a new one. It became my new favorite game on ps3.


i still remember in the legacy version you could only place a certain amount of mobs until it would say you have placed enough


man that pikachu pixel art just unlocked the saddest memory. i remember i had spent 2-3 hours as a kid on a large pikachu only for my power to flicker when i had LITERALLY just finished and my dumb child self turned off auto save bc it took forever to save. i can remember bawling to my mom after 😂


This video makes me feel so nostalgic even though it's not my own childhood memories. Nowadays I'm working a full-time job and I can't even remember what my first minecraft world ever looked like wich makes my kinda sad... where did these 11 years go


13:28 i like how you scared yourselves with herobrine but then also proceeded to make the most liminal and creepy house ever


I miss old Minecraft when people didn't care about crazy designs and stuff, also when it was simpler
